Баннер профиля для gusboontwitch

1,6 тыс. фолловера


I produce electronic music jams live on stream using words from chat as inspiration, I'm building Twitch chat integrated audio / visual toys for my streams, and have organised a streaming music festival. I also play games too.

Music Setup

###Hardware Novation X-Station Novation Launchpad Novation LaunchControl Native Instruments kOre Korg Volca Bass Korg Kaossilator (KO-1) Korg Kaoss Pad (Mini-KP) Nintendo DS ###Software Ableton Live 10 / 11 (on PC) Korg DS-X (on Nintendo DS) ###Mic Shure SM58

Who am I and what the hell is this?

Hello lovely humans. I am a Gusbo. I make music, play games and have an all round good time. #Chat rules Don't be a dick. No sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism or transphobia.

How to support the stream

The easiest and best way to support what I am doing is simple and free. Clip something and share it. Show all your friends just how much fun you're having, get them in here and let's all part together. If you want to have the cool YASS emotes and access to sub commands, sub to me on Twitch for a mere £3.99! Alternatively, for a tiny £1 per month you can support my content on [Ko-Fi!](https://ko-fi.com/gusbo) Ko-Fi is also where I'll post regular blog nonsense for Ko-Fi supporters, and on Ko-Fi if you support me at the marginally higher rate of £4 per month then you can have MY ENTIRE BACK CATALOG OF MUSIC aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand EARLY ACCESS TO ALL VIDEO GAMES I MAKE! Because I'm nice like that. If you want to send me bits, I would never say no, but if you are that way inclined I would love you to have a look at my [Bandcamp](https://gusbo.bandcamp.com/) where you can find a lot of my music to purchase. All tracks on there are pay what you want, so you can get a lovely piece of music for your donation. Thanks!

Custom Commands

##Everyone !lurk !whosawesome !vibecheck !bantercheck !x !discord !links !merch ##Subs only !wordrequest