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HaleyGoes streams The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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Hey everyone, I'm Haley :) Thank you so much for checking out my channel!! <3 I was born and raised in New York! If you can handle my cussing and being a stereotypical Irish New Yorker, come join the party!
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No body likes rules, so I'm gonna make this as painless as possible. - Don't be too much of a dick. I say too much because I, as well as most of my friends, are dicks. Its always out of love and just for good fun. Knowing the difference between being silly and just being an asshole is important. - Everyone has their own style of gaming. I have mine, you have yours. Friendly advice is always welcome but don't tell me way of gaming is wrong. - Don't promote yourself without my approval first! I love supporting others, but I want to have the choice to do so. - Most importantly!! Have a badass time!!
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The best way to find out when I'm about to stream is by following me on twitter!
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Donations are NEVER required but are always insanely appreciated. I couldn't ask for more than anyone just spending time with me.