Баннер профиля для hammeltoe

872 фолловера


Full time railroader part time gamer!

Содержимое панели
Always assume no Back seating pls ask before this will result in a warning followed by timeout Pls ask before u link something No advertising No Bigotry of any kind SONG REQUEST RULES Don't make fun of somebody else's song i will decide if we wil listen to it or not! No troll songs... even as a joke aka annoying sounds or something similar=Ban Funny songs are allowed i just might not be in the mood that day!
Содержимое панели
All Donations go to giveaways or to improving the stream thanks!
Содержимое панели
RPG's Fortnite Rouge-like indie games
Содержимое панели
Main Games will be played on days i can stream earlier most of the time Tuesday and Saturdays 1900MST Side games played late night after work usually around 0200MST
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Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Speedrunrobot !Questhelp for commands
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели

Crypto Donations!

Содержимое панели