Profile banner for hardknockdice



Hard roleplay, hard story, harder failures - we are Hard Knock Dice. We're a group of nerds that enjoy failed skill checks and the death saves that follow. 🤠Whispers in the Dust - Wednesdays @7pm EST ✨Across Eberron - Saturday @ 5pm

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Hard roleplay, hard story, harder failures - we are Hard Knock Dice. We're a group of nerds that enjoy failed skill checks and the death saves that follow.
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If you're having a great time, and you'd like to support the stream, please use the link above to show our players some love. All tips go to improving the quality of the stream.
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+ Above all else, be kind + No hate speech + Have a good time
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*ALL TIMES ARE IN EST* + Blood & Silver - Wednesdays at 7pm + Eberron - Saturdays at 5pm
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If you don't check out these awesome people below! + Battle maps are made with assets by , ensure to go check them out for your tabletop map making needs + Sound Tale is the music service, please go check them out at and make your campaigns come alive with the perfect music
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