Profile banner for harryistrying



Streaming Software and Game Development with 11 viewers

Hi, I'm Harry. This stream is a human in front of a camera. I'm a strategy consultant, MBA student, aspiring entrepreneur and writer, terrible streamer, but pretty good SWM coworker. Working, studying, cleaning, whatEVER... want to try with me?

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###Who are you? * Hellow I'm Harry, but most people call me sweet. I'm a strategy consultant who decided he wanted to try to use his skills to save the world. Well, I'll try! >**Personal purpose statement**: I work to create better outcomes for the less fortunate, especially children. I do this by leading through honesty, vulnerability, and compassion and by moving toward that ambition with every decision that I make. ###What are you doing here? * I am working, studying my MBA, or building my start-up. * Try the command ***!strategist*** if you're curious what a Strategy Consultant does. * My undergrad was in Software Development and Accounting and I'm also a Chartered Accountant. Let me know what field you are in! **Full disclosure** - sometimes we'll play games or I might have an IRL stream (especially if travelling!). ###What do you speak? * I speak English, Spanish, Urdu, or Hindi. * Use the ***!translator*** with any language you like! I am very keen to practice with and learn more from you! ###Anything else? I'll be keen to hear about: * what you do * what you love * your favourite places/interests/all the favourites! Also, feel free to ask me about anything, e.g.: * travel stories * improv * languages * LFC * DnD * stuff happening in science Or better yet, try the Breaking Point redeems (I might even review your work)!
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# START HERE # Tasks - **!add [task;task(s)]**: *!add read my book; write report* - **!edit [new description]**: *!edit finalise presentation slides* - edit the focus task - **!focus / !activate / !swap [task #]**: *!focus 2* - Switches focus to a specific task - **!delete / !del / !eliminar [task #(s)]** / **all**: *!delete 1 | !delete all* - **!done / !complete / !finish [task #(s)]** / **all**: *!done 2 | !done all* - **!mytask / !current**: *!mytask* - Shows current focus task - **!list / !pending / !check**: *!list* - Displays current pending tasklist # Personal Timer - **!study / !work / !estudio [minutes] [reminder]**: *!study 25 remember to stretch* - **!break / !rest / !descanso [minutes] [reminder]**: *!break 5 back to notes review* - **!cancel / !cancelar**: Cancels your timer - **!timer / !mytime / !temporizador**: Time left on your timer - **!grinders/ !sleepers**: Who has an active timer? ## Reminders - Never miss a beat - Reminders to keep you on track! - **!reminder [minutes] [reminder]**: *!reminder 15 check the oven* - **!reminders / !myreminders**: Lists all reminders you've set # Fun Stuff ### Whimsy at Your Whim - Chuckles, challenges, and charm, all at the tip of your chat! - **!ask [query]**: *!ask What's the capital of France?* - **!define / !dictionary [word]**: *!define serendipity* - Get a dictionary definition for your word - **!synonym / !syn / !thesaurus [word]**: !synonym happy - Get a list of synonyms for your word - **!urban [word]**: *!urban lit* - Get an Urban Dictionary definition for your word - **!affirm**: Get a boost - **!zen**: Random Zen quote - **!qotd**: Quote of the day - **!dad**: Random dad joke - **!chuck**: Chuck Norris joke - **!rps [rock/paper/scissors]**: *!rps rock* # General Help ### Guides to greatness - See how far you've come and get the guidance you need to climb higher! - **!taskhelp / !ayudatarea**: Guide on task commands - **!timerhelp / !ayudareloj**: Guide on timer commands - **!options / !opciones**: User setting options - **!savetasks / !optin** - **!donotsavetasks/ !optout** - **!completed [date]**: *!completed !completed 2023-03-10* - The tasks you've completed - **!completedtime / !tasktime [date]**: *!completedtime 2023-03-10* - with how long they took - **!mycount / !micuenta**: Your completed tasks - **!count / !cuenta**: The stream's lifetime count - **!topN**: *!top5* - The stream's top taskers ### Notes-to-self - for when you need to say something to the only one who understands - **!plan / !note [note]**: *!plan Session 1. meeting, debugging | 2. essay| 3. Exercise, meditate* - a "note to self" always saved. To “clear” your note: replace with a period (".") or new content - **!plan / !note**: Display the note you already added
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# Task List Management ### Organise your chaos - Turn your task tornado into a breeze! - **!addswap [task]**: *!addswap prepare meeting agenda* - **!adddone / !taskdone [task descriptions]**: *!adddone Finish the report; Submit the assignment* - Adds tasks as completed. - **!next / !nexttask [task #/description]**: *!next 3 or !next tidy bedroom* - Completes current task and sets your next focus task - **!editlist / !editpending / !editp [task #] [new description]; [#] [descr]**: *!editlist 3 check emails; 5 wash dishes* - **!undo [task description(s)]**: *!undo Finish the report* - Reverts a completed task back to pending #Schedule Management ### Create the future you want, today! Plan ahead by scheduling tasks for future dates. Use these commands to set, edit, postpone, or check tasks, ensuring you're always prepared for what's next. - **!future [date] [task description]**: *!future 2025-05-01 Finish the report* - Schedules a task for a specific future date - **!editfuture / !editf [task number] [field to update] [new value]**: *!editfuture 3 description New description* - Edits a future task with a new description or date. - **!deletefuture / !deletef [task number]**: *!deletefuture 3* - Deletes a future task. - **!postpone / !push / !reschedule / !delay [date] [task numbers]**: *!postpone 2025-05-01 3 5* - Postpones current tasks and schedules them for a future date. - **!postponebacklog / !pushbacklog / !pushbl [date] [task numbers]**: *!postponebacklog 2025-05-01 3 5* - Postpones backlog tasks and schedules them for a future date. - **!checkfuture /!futuretasks / !seefuture / !showfuture**: Lists all future dated tasks for a user, including the dates they are scheduled for. # Backlog Management ### Turn your "someday" into "today". Organise tasks you want to tackle later. Manage and prioritise these backburner tasks so you can focus on them when the time is right. - **!backlog / !bl [task]**: *!backlog learn guitar; plan holiday* - **!editbacklog / !editbl [#] [new description]**: *!editbacklog 2 Learn piano* - **!donebacklog / !donebl [#/all]**: *!donebacklog 1 | !donebacklog all* - **!mybacklog / !mybl**: *!mybacklog* - Displays current backlog - **!promote / !tolist [#]**: *!promote 2* - **!demote / !tobl [#]**: *!demote 1* - **!focusbacklog / !focusbl [task #]**: *!focus 2* - Switches focus to a specific task - **!delbacklog / !delbl [#/all]**: *!deletebacklog 3 | !delbacklog all*
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# Routine Management ### Success one day at a time - Automate your progress with recurring tasks! Automate recurring tasks to ensure consistent progress and save you the hassle of always adding them yourself! Use these commands to set, edit, pause, and manage routines, keeping your daily, weekly, monthly, or custom intervals on track. - **!routine [interval] [task description]**: *!routine daily practice guitar* - Set a task to be added automatically: daily, weekly, monthly, or custom (every x days [e.g. every 10 days], or specific days of the week [e.g. every mon,tue,sat]. Note: use ";" after days of week: *!routine personal custom mon wed sat; do laundry* - **!editroutine / !editr [#] [desc/int/date] [value]**: *!editroutine 1 desc practice piano* - **!pauseroutine / !pauser [#]**: *!pauseroutine 2 5 9* - **!resumeroutine / !resumer [#]**: *!resumeroutine 1 8 9* - **!deleteroutine / !delr [#]**: *!deleteroutine 3* - **!routines / !listroutines**: *!routines* - List your routines with intervals - **!nextroutines / !routinedates**: *!nextroutines* - Shows your routines in the order they are next due - **!routinegoal / !routineg**: Lists routines associated with specific goals # Goal Management ### Transform aspiration to reality – Build your dreams one stone at a time! Easily organise and prioritise your tasks by grouping them into goals. Use these commands to create, update, and manage your goals, allowing you to focus on specific tasks without sorting through your entire task list. - **!goal / !addgoal [goal description]**: *!goal Learn Spanish* - Adds a new goal - **!editgoal / !editg [goal #/search word] [desc / status] [new desc/status]**: *!editgoal 1 desc Learn French | !editgoal french status paused* - Updates the description/status of an existing goal - **!pausegoal / !pauseg [goal #(s)]**: *!pauseg 1 3* - Pauses the specified goals - **!resumegoal / !resumeg [goal #(s)]**: *!resumeg 2* - Resumes the specified paused goals - **!deletegoal / !delgoal / !delg [goal #(s)]** / **all**: *!delg 1 | !delg all* - **!goals / !mygoals**: Lists all your goals and their status - **!mygoal / !myg [goal #/search word]**: *!viewgoal 1* - Shows details of a specific goal, including associated tasks - **!addtogoal / !add2g [goal #] [task description]**: *!add2g 1 Finish report* - Adds a task to a specific goal - **!addswap2g [goal #] [task description]**: *!addswap2g 1 Prepare meeting agenda* - Adds a task and makes it your focus task for a specific goal - **!adddone2g / !taskdone2g [goal #] [task descriptions]**: *!adddone2g 1 Finish the report; Submit the assignment* - Adds tasks as completed to goal 1. - **!next2g [goal #] [task description]**: *!next2g 1 Finish reading* - Completes the current task and sets the next focus task for a specific goal - **!routinetogoal / !routine2g [goal #] [interval] [task description]**: *!routine2g 1 daily practice guitar* - Adds a routine task to a specific goal - **!assign / !assignbl [goal #/search word] [task #s]**: *!assign french 0 1 4* - Assigns the focus task & pending tasks 1 & 4 to goal "Learn French" or *!assignbl French 3* Assigns backlog task 3 - **!unassign / !unassignbl [task #(s)]**: *!unassign 1 5* - Removes a task's association with any goal - **!assignroutine / !assignr [goal #] [routine #(s)]**: *!assignr 1 2* - Assigns routines to a specified goal - **!unassignroutine / !unassignr [routine #(s)]**: *!unassignr 2* - Unassigns routines from any goals - **!unassigned**: Lists all tasks that are not assigned to any goal - **!donegoal [goal identifiers]**: *!doneg 1 3* - Marks goals 1 and 3 as achieved. - **!achievedgoals / !achieved**: Provides a summary of the goals you've achieved - **!achievedlist / !accomplishedlist**: Lists all achieved goals in detail
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###Co-working * Co-working almost every day with a pomo timer - 75 min focus/15 min break. * Check the schedule tab for the times in your timezone (*about 11pm GMT to 12pm GMT* - yes, that is 13 hours!). ###GMAT sessions * GMAT study sessions once a week on Saturdays at 4am GMT. ###Updates and notifications * Join our [Discord]( to always be up-to-date on what is happening (and for all the other cool community stuff)!
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* If you've considered tipping or donating, thanks so much! You can support by [subbing to join Blue Bear's Cling](, or gifting subs! > All subscriptions will be **donated to support children in need** (Save the Children). I appreciate you wanting to support me, the channel, and supporting the cause! Some people have asked for a way to directly support the stream, so if that's you, you can contribute towards an item in [this wishlist](, that will hopefully help make the stream better for you!
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###The Cling [Join the Cling by subbing]( and get great rewards: * No more ad when you join stream (I'll never interrupt focus with an ad). * Some adorable emotes and chat badges! * Earn your channel points faster (and you can control the stream muahaha)! * Voice chat with me on stream (while outside of focus) if you'd like! And we can organise Cling days where I'll play games with subs on stream!
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* Be excellent to each other. * Do not share others' personal information. * Party on dudes! Have fun and support each other!
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* I listen to a mix of different Lofi, EDM, Jazz, or other no lyric playlists. Mostly I will be listening to one of the playlists linked at the end. Though lately we have been hitting some classic 80s and 90s stuff. ###Jukebox * Towards the end of streams especially, sometimes earlier, we like to turn on the jukebox and let chat choose the songs (with mods modding!). ***!sr*** to request a song. ***!wrongsong*** if you accidentally added the wrong one to the queue. ***!voteskip*** if you want to vote to skip a song.
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**Full disclosure** - I will get a small commission if you use these links, but it won't affect your price at all. ### PC * [Intel Core i7 10700F]( * [RTX 3070 Ti]( * [240mm Liquid CPU Cooler]( * [Gigabyte B560M DS3H AC WiFi Motherboard]( * [2 x 16GB DDR4 RAM]( * [Acer Aspire v17 Nitro personal laptop]( – *similar to this* ### Cams * [Insta360 Link 4K 30 FPS/1080P 60 FPS]( * [Logitech Streamcam 1080P 60 FPS]( * [JOYACCESS Webcam 1080P 30 FPS]( ### Monitors * [VIOTEK GFV22CB 22" 144Hz FHD]( * [Acer ED270UP 27" 165Hz QHD]( * [Acer ED270 27" 240 Hz FHD]( ### Other peripherals * [Logitech MX Keys Wireless Keyboard]( * [Logitech MX Master 3 Wireless Mouse]( * [Shure MV7 USB/XLR Podcast Microphone]( * [Mic stand]( * [Loupedeck Live]( * [Creative Pebble Speakers]( * [ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 Gaming Router]( * [Elgato Key Light]( * [6.3” Ring Light with clamp mount]( ### Desk and workstation * [Altus Standing Desk]( * [Anti-fatigue mat/footrest/balance board]( * [Under Desk Treadmill]( * [Wireless charger under desk]( * 5 x [Monitor Desk Mount Stand]( * [Desk shelf organiser]( * [Large world map gaming mousepad]( * [Rocketbook Fusion Smart Reusable Notebook]( and [erasable pens]( * [Rocketbook Cloud Cards]( * [Whiteboards]( and [Ultra-Fine Tip Dry Erase Markers]( * [Foldable Electronic Piano]( * [Plant 1]( and [plant 2]( * Tree – [Bonsai lamp]( * [Floating Globe]( - *very similar to this* * 2 x [Wood & Metal Paper Tray]( * 2 x [Headphone hanger hook]( * [Cable management under desk tray]( * 2 x [4 port USB 3.0 HUB]( * [Mug warmer]( * [Wrist Rest]( * [Foot rest]( - *similar to this* * [Curtains](
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So, not Sponsors really, but I needed to credit some huge contributors to the channel and community! ###@MohFocus * Moh is the architect of our current [session timer]( AND our language translation bot - MohCitrus (surprise!). Zeeeify also contributed to the latest translator! * Besides that, he's all round good people. Go say hello on [his channel](! ###Sam aka @Idle_Sikes * Sam is the mastermind of the original code behind our task list which made all the future updates possible! Like Moh, they're good people and super generous with their kindness. You might catch them on [their channel]( too!