Profile banner for hatwearinggamer



My YouTube channel is home of A Series Talk and Original VS Remake

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Hello! This is my twitch channel! My name is Scott, also known as hatwearinggamer. I live in Sydney, Australia and I do livestreams of games here whilst wearing a hat. I often do first playthroughs or random casual playthroughs.
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Ban Breaches (Committing these acts will result in a ban.) -Advertising -Trolling/abuse towards myself or others -Spamming (Raids excepted) -Inappropriate links Time out breaches (Commiting these acts will result in a timeout and multiple times will result in a ban) -Talking about controversial topics (such as Politics and Religion*). -Spoilers (In blind playthroughs) -Calling out lurkers. Other things to consider - In the main chat room, please don't talk about deep issues revolving around your personal life. (Whisper if you need to vent but I wont respond verbally) - To avoid a false ban, please ask before posting links, this may include telling me what you're intending on linking and explaining why you wish to link it. This will allow a better understanding. - Please don't ask to be modded, being modded is a privilege and exclusive to friends whom I trust. -Likewise, please don't ask to be in a Skype call or a Discord voice channel with me, the answer will always be "No". I reserve the right to change and add rules as well as the option to ask my mods to ban or timeout people that may be bothering me. To the mods: You are not above these rules but feel free to follow through with a ban or timeout when you see these rules being breached or when I ask you to do so, thanks guys :3. *I like a good and healthy discussion with someone who isn't just trying to vent frustration.
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Other Media I'm involved in can be found: [Youtube]( - Where I upload videos about game design. I do two series ["A Series Talk"]( and ["Original VS Remake"]( [HWG Extra Content]( - Where I upload archives of past stream series and highlights. And you can follow me on Social Media: [Twitter](
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[Click here to see previous stream playthroughs]( Current playthroughs can vary based on what I want to play so I can't make any promises on what I'll play in the future.
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If you so choose, you can financially support my streaming and youtubing by subscribing, cheering in the chat or clicking "Donations" in the heading. All money goes to enhancing quality, living expenses and 10% will be donated to the charity [Anglicare]( Disclaimer: hatwearinggamer does not have any official affiliation with Anglicare. Cheer Specific alerts: 318 - Wake up 400 - Will reveal after first time usage 666 - Will reveal after first time usage 1337 - Will reveal after first time usage Donation specific alerts: $3.18 - Wake up $6.66 - Will reveal after first time usage $13.37 - Will reveal after first time usage All other values - Random Happiness

Which jerk made the graphics?

Nate did and he's not a jerk. That's just rude.