Profile banner for hello_im_pawel



Paweł fist of the name, slayer of squares, king of the red line, ruler of prohorovka, protector of last bush, also known as Pabul, Pawat, Paweu, Pewel etc.

Panel Content
Honestly ask in chat, most case scenario you get genuine answer unless I'm on trolling wagon with chat. Apparently I can do accents of English and that brings smile to others, at least sometimes :) Spoilers = ban everywhere I can do it.. [Marks of Excellence](
Panel Content
AudioBot - 10 Credits per sound Some of them activate when someone writes something in chat ;) Subs - works for subs Regular - 20h in chat spent VIP - self explanatory [Audio Hook Keywords]( UPDATED 18.10.2022 [Audio commands still should work]( ***** + [Mod Commands]( Video trigger // subs/mods only >>!KEKW - 20 credits !nice - 20 credits !catjam - 10 credits !smash - 20 credits !explosion - 10 credits !shalom - 10 credits !fixer - 20 credits
Panel Content
Polanda very poor send moni (´。_。`) **Azakis**, **Andy74__**, **badjoke_**, **kivayakotako_**, **yamachichi_**, **Soseyi aka Im_ra9**, Kamson_89, mar_cin1, Inc22, Ciastekn1, BronekXD, BogdanXD, Kappa, Seba98, Lordydk, HUZUMIxLIVE, Anonymous, Michalm9995, HeroOfJustice aka SquareOfJustice lub Dr.Clicker, SensiG, solenopsis_fugax, masiek22, ader, bałwanek, Atlantis12, elektryk, Hansvonb, XCutHC, Leiftrud, Poziomka_Marta, Olenka, Skillplease, Duszek85 and the list goes on and on.. Karde_talon - Strv m-42/57 **ZlomekWoah** - Obj .703 (II) <3 **Kalafior_132** - PIERDYLIARD Legacy of Waffen 2k22 'starterów' M-IV-Y, Astron Rex, Renegade, Skoda T27, Much appreciated support! // Bardzo doceniam wsparcie!
Panel Content
- Stream bez reklam - Unikalną odznakę koło swojego nicku! - Specjalną rangę na Discord - Szybsze zdobywanie punktów kanału