
Wielder of Colors 🎨 Lover of Video Games 🎮 Princess of Puns 😼


‘sup, peeps? My name is HeNniFerBoB and welcome to my channel, where art is made and games are played.
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I'm just an artist who enjoys creating things and the occasional video game now and then. This is my place to just chill and stream whenever. No set schedules or anything intense like that. Just random vibing and streaming.
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I’m pretty chill. All I ask is that you respect each other and myself. Also, please: + No hateful, creepy, or cringey BS. - No bullying/trolling. * No self-advertising or spam! If I want spam, I’ll go buy some at the store, fry it up and stick it in some bread to make a yummy spamwich. **VIOLATORS WILL BE BLOCKED AND REPORTED.** Most of all, have fun.
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If you like hanging out and want to see more, please hit that **FOLLOW** button! Tell your friends and family.. ♫hide yo kids, hide yo wife♫ (LoL That song’s great..)
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I'm honestly just doing this for fun 🎮 But if you’d like to [make a donation](https://paypal.me/henniferbob) to help keep the channel going, I'd greatly appreciate it ♥ Thank you! At the end of the month, I will contribute a percentage to the ASPCA and Friends for Paws for the benefit of our furry friends.