Profile banner for hentank



Hi!! I'm Hentank, (Hentai tank). First of all, I'm weird. I am also notorious for raging at any type of game. If there is a losing mechanic in the game, I will rage at it, at some point. I play and stream just about anything but mostly RPGs and rhythm games. I also tell silly stories!! Come on by!!


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Click the image or use code "hentank10" for 10% of your order! (!dubby in chat will also provide the link)


Panel Content Click the image or link to join! (Will probably do a discord server wipe in the future, when/if I ever build a new one)


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Lol, it's non-existent. I basically work a full time job on top of streaming so I don't have a set time when I can stream. I just try to stream at least 4 days a week but I usually try to shoot for more if possible.


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Click the image to see my merch store! Hope you find something that you like! (This as of now, is very new and the product variety will be very limited until the demand increases, thank you for understanding.) ^_^

Donate here! Or not... That's fine too..

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Obviously, this is optional 100%. You can click the image to go to the donation page if you ever have extra money. Please do not donate if you do not have the extra money, just enjoy the streams and be a part of them and our little internet family! (Donations are unrefundable, so be careful with what numbers you enter!)
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wRage4432: $6.00 LoneSource: $1.00 SoloQClown: $54.00 rolexvi: $6.00 RocketRoboBear: $10.00