hewhodies 的個人檔案橫幅

667 位追隨者


18+ Channel: Adult Language & Mature Conversations. OCCASIONAL STREAMER: I do not have a schedule, and am inconsistent. I only stream when I have a game I feel worthy of streaming. No financial support requested or required.


Although things can get colorful during the stream, we try to keep things respectful in regards to one another. Jokes = Cool Verbal Attacks = Not Cool 18+ cannot be stated enough.

About me:

Middle-aged Canadian gamer. Been gaming on and off my whole life, the past 15 years more than before but when I can. I'm not the most consistent streamer because I'm terrible at sticking with a schedule for it. I'll be trying to maintain Fridays at the least. Thanks for reading.


Times are tough, we all know that. With that being said, only donate if you feel you can afford it. I don't want someone missing out on their own needs. Do take note that any and all donations are final. If you do choose to contribute, it's with great gratitude that I thank you. Your help means more than you can understand.

