Profile banner for hey_brittany



hey i'm brittany and i play what makes me happy

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Hey! My name is Brittany (Britt/Bri; she/her), I'm 27 years old from NYC, and I'm a variety streamer. I've been streaming for 7 years and I have made some of the greatest friends in the world as a result. I love anime and manga, and animals, and writing, and being the loudest person in the room. . I don't have a set stream schedule; I stream what and when I feel like it. . I'd love it if you would ask me questions, tell me stories, and talk about almost anything (within reason) in my chat. I wholeheartedly consider my viewers to be my friends. Chat interaction has always been my favorite part about streaming, so get involved! I never want you to feel alone or like an outcast, and I will always do my best to include you in the stream. .
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I am the queen of never finishing games (seriously. Ask me how many Pokemon games I've ever completed). I haven't been very good with streaming in a long time, but I'm trying to change that! I'm trying to stream once a week, usually on the weekends. My Discord is typically where I provide updates on anticipated streams. . Games I play vary based on my mood, but generally you can expect to see Pokemon, Animal Crossing, visual novels, or retro-esque (GameCube and older) content. . . . . . . .
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I've had the absolute honor of being a Twitch Affiliate since the first announcement of affiliates in 2017! Although never ever obligatory or expected of viewers, subscribing and/or donating bits to me is always extremely appreciated. Gifting subs is also equally as appreciated. . Additionally, if you have Amazon Prime, you can link your account to Twitch and get a free tier 1 subscription every month! . Any and all revenue I receive from streaming gets put back into my stream (upgrading computer parts, games, set-up, layouts, etc.). . . . .
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I love photography, I love photos, and I love posting on social media like almost any other millennial. I've also been using Instagram stories pretty frequently as of late. For concert videos, cat pictures, and lots of photos of my friends, consider following my Instagram~ .
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I update my Twitter more frequently than any of my other social media. Updates about streams, potential streams, and my general life are consistently broadcast daily. For the most up-to-date information about streams, consider following me here! .
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