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Your one-stop-shop for all things salty

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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I am currently a 20-something year old dude, working full-time. I've been playing games for almost 15 years now and they are a massive part of my life, so I figured I'd play them for people! I don't really have a specific genre of games I play, I just play whatever interests me.
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
If you are enjoying the stream, drop a follow! They're always appreciated and help the channel grow, plus I like talking to new people :P ***** Check out my awesome stream fam too! They're amazing people I'm proud to call my friends. Perterter: [Channel]( l [Twitter]( Qtpants92: [Channel]( l [Twitter]( PhantomKingX: [Channel]( l [Twitter](
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Follow me on Twitter for updates on the stream! You can click the header or the link **[here](** to get to my twitter, drop a follow there, its appreciated :)
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At the moment, there are some basic rules. I work on a 3 strike policy, which I'll outline after the rules themselves. Rules may be added/removed/modified at any time, and if anybody has a rule they want to add/remove/modify, let me know and we'll have a discussion about it. I trust my mod(s) to enforce these rules, and timeouts/bans are mostly at their discretion. If you feel you've been unfairly banned, or timed-out for a longer than usual amount of time, whisper me or a mod explaining the situation and perhaps it may be lifted. **Rules:** 1.I really don't want to see racism/sexism in chat. Jokes are fine, I have a rather dark sense of humor myself, but we're all fam here so any active harassment is no good. 2.Ties into the above rule: Respect. Just respect one another. Arguments/debates are fine, being vitriolic towards someone for their opinion is not. 3.Final tie in with the above, if you come in here with a username that's sole purpose is to imitate or harass another member of chat, thats an **instant ban.** Due to lots of trouble in the past with this, I've implemented this rule to put a final halt to it. 4.If I happen to be playing a game that is a singleplayer campaign, and I have not played it before, **no spoilers**. I want to experience it myself. That said, if I miss something important, I'm ok with being told about it. 5.Generally I'm pretty go-with-the-flow and forgiving, but I do get annoyed. If I kindly ask you guys to stop doing something, stop doing it. 6.Don't ask to be a mod. As it stands, I'm currently not in need of more mods, but should I grow in size, moderator status will be given out to those who are friendly, helpful, and who bring a good atmosphere to the stream/chat. So again, don't ask, if I feel you have earned it, and you're here on a regular basis, then I'll discuss the possibility of making you mod ^_^ 7.I generally don't mind if you self-plug your own channel in the chat! Chances are I'll give you a host if you're streaming when I'm done, or I'll stop by if I can otherwise. That said, don't be incessant/spammy about it. **Consequences for rule breaking** 1.Warning 2.Timeout 3.Ban
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
This section is a work in progress, but I'll add to it here and there! 1.How old are you? >24 2.Where are you from? >NJ 3.Where'd you come up with the name "HeyItsSalt"? >Originally, my friends and I gave ourselves theme names during a game of Rocket League. Well, I forgot to change my name after, and joined an ARK server. I named myself Salt, and after discovering some other streamers and wanting to stream myself, HeyItsSalt took form and stuck ever since 4.Why do you stream in your bathroom? >I don't.
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Emotes courtesy of and commissioned by the above! Check him out!
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Have Discord? So do I! Below is the link to my Discord server so feel free to use it all you like! [Discord Server](
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Do I have a donation page? Sure, click the header OR [click here]( That said, and being the small streamer I am, I don't expect or encourage donations to me. I set up the page, sure, but if you want to donate to something, pick a charity! Otherwise, if you REALLY want to donate to me, then click the link up top. ***** ##Donators (Totals): 1. Kait: $79.20 (+ Saltwynn :P) 2. JUBA: $40 3. reknagames: $30 4. Tim: $3 (and many bits) 5. Yose429 (First Donator!): $1
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I may choose to upload VoDs for certain games here to my YT channel! Click on the banner above to check it out and possibly subscribe so you don't miss a single thing!