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Streaming Crossout with 29 viewers

Connor Tinker, call me Tinker. Planetary Scientist: Surface Processes, Spacecraft Mission and Instrument Development. Education Modernization. # SBU CPEx PhD Candidate, Purdue EAPS '20, APL/NASA '18. Google me for more. # HUMATA HŪXTA HUVARŠTA. # Live all day, every day, in every way #

Panel Content

About section in draft - see website This about section is under construction. Donations:

TLDR (draft)

Call me Tinker, this is my last name; not branding. I am a planetary scientist from Long Island. I stream 24/7; all day, every day, in every way - to multiple platforms across the planet, beyond just the visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is my Trueman show. I study the surface processes of terrestrial solar system bodies including the Moon, Mars, and asteroids like Bennu. I also founded theTinker and Tinker University to pursue my goals of modernizing our educational practices globally.

Lore (Draft)

9 years studying planetary surfaces 8 years creating & facilitating K-Graduate curriculum 7 years learning & mentoring in FIRST Robotics 6 years of peer-reviewed publication history 5 years at Stony Brook University 4 years at Purdue University 3 years as a consultant 2 years working on Navy and MDA programs One idea I’d like to share.