Profile banner for hilsinger



After being diagnosed with bone cancer five years ago, I started singing and playing guitar for the first time — something I had always wanted to do, but never made time for. I'm so deeply grateful to be here today and I’m so happy to share my music with you!


Five years ago, I was diagnosed with bone cancer and this is when I decided to start learning guitar — something I always wanted to do, but never made time for. I started learning in the hospital and I would wheel my gurney out to the stairwell to get fresh air and sing. I started writing songs later that year, and about a year ago I started sharing my songs with other people than my mom and sister : ) I LOVE MUSIC. It heals me. Welcome in and feel free to ask me any questions ☀️💙🙏🏻


how you can support me — hang out and listen to my songs and let me know how you feel! contribute directly to my music by sending me donations!

why I'm here

to do what I love! sing and play my original songs and some covers, meet new friends, and find a way to keep on going!