hisokaophion 的个人资料横幅

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Focused primarily on FFXIV Savage and Ultimate progression, Also play a bit of Destiny 2 on the side, Simialrly focused on new Contest Raid Content. Enjoys the occasionally singleplayer game from time to time, alongside whatever the friends rope me into.

Hi there!, I'm Hisoka, a pleasure to meet you. Heres a little bit about me. - Primarily a FFXIV streamer - Focus on Progression Savage and Ultimate Raiding. - I am a fan of most genres of games, my favourites being RPG's, FPS and Multiplayer titles. - Work fulltime and stream as a hobby. Feel free to ask any other questions in chat, I will try my best to answer when I can!
General Housekeeping. - Be Cool - Use Common sense - No Backseating. - No Self Promo's Anyone's welcome to watch as long, just don't do the above and we'll be golden.
[Twitter](https://twitter.com/Hisoka_Ophion) [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdqPl4EKn1IXxdn2z9yfAEw)