Profile banner for hizzlethebadguy



Random guy who commentates tournaments, represents LAGr Gaming.


- Don't be a Scrublord - No racism - No sexism - No insulting the viewers - No rape talk - No asking to be mod. Follow these rules and I don't care what else you do.

Who da heckith is yee?

- Name: AJ or Hizzle (formerly known as Banjoh) - Age: 33 - Occupation: Bum - Favorite Video Game Ever: Metal Gear Solid (Ocarina of Time is close second) - Hobbies: Video Games, Movies, Animes, Music, and lazy stuff. - Anything else?: I can make websites!

What games do you play?

###Games I play frequently... I play different kinds of game, you'll see me play these games regularly - Street Fighter 6 - Left 4 Dead 2 - Other Stuff But I will at some point play something else, games will vary.