Profile banner for hobbledehoyboi



hobbledehoyboi streams Music.

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Join the discord server to chat with others, news and notifications when I go live :)
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Follow me on Instagram if you want to, I don't really post much stream related stuff on there :)
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I never expect or ask for donations, they are 100% your choice, however they are always highly appreciated and I am highly grateful for anyone who even drops by the stream. Donations are non-refundable, please don't donate if you do not have the funds to do so :)
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Hey! My name is Hannah, I stream music mainly. I have been surronded by music my whole life, I've been playing piano since around 5. I picked up the flute at around 7, and then learnt guitars at around 10 or 11. I have had lessons for piano and flute, but guitars and drums have been self taught. I hope you enjoy the streams, have fun and don't discriminate :)