Profilbanner til holloweed420

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Hey guys, I'm "Holloweed" or "Hollow", I stream on Saturday , Monday , Wednesday , Friday at 4pm to 8pm Central European Time, come say hi in chat, I speak English, German and Arabic.

Please check out [**Lilll**]( as she made my panels design and my pfp
✔️ **No trash talking.** ✔️ **No CE, Pyre, BS discussions.** ✔️ **No hate/drama against other streamers no matter who they are.** ✔️ **No meme songs in** *!songrequest*. ✔️ **No Sexual talk,Politics, Racism, or Religion.** ✔️ **If you want to post a link ask the moderators first.** ✔️ **Respect the moderators** *(They have final say in all decisions)*. ✔️ **Being salty in the chat will result in a timeout** *(To cool things out)*. ✔️ **Keep dramas and personal beef out of the stream** *(Go whispers/DMs instead)*. ✔️ **No use of offensive language , or any TOS blacklisted word** *(Attempting to bypass it too)*. ✔️ **Breaking chat rules will lead you to either a timeout or a permanent ban from my channel.** ✔️ **First violation will result in a timeout ,second will be a ban** *(Depending on your violation)*. ✔️ **Most importantly be cool :)**
🖥️ PC Items ✔️ [**CPU**]( ✔️ [**CPU Water Cooling**]( ✔️ [**GPU**]( ✔️ [**RAM**]( ✔️ [**Motherboard**]( ✔️ [**Webcam**]( ✔️ [**Microphone**]( ✔️ [**Headset**]( ✔️ [**Monitor**]( ✔️ [**Second Monitor**](,p-ps240wa2,l-google-prd,pd-b2c.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlOmLBhCHARIsAGiJg7mRIB4t1IA9kbEjaAWr4azjgnz9rFTSt2PHM5f0jsWHeZlAGrrHE44aAiEnEALw_wcB) 🎮 Console Items ✔️ [**PS5**]( ✔️ [**PS3 Slim**](
✔️ **NightBot** *!sl !build !poise !bs !fish !boo !kill !lurk !uptime !vf !pw !brb !discord !youtube* ✔️ **Memes** *!wide !bruh !english !stamina !jeff !ayaya !bully !error !lag !pokemon !police !sun !chug !hacker !blink !run* ✔️ **Streamers** *!shligo !joe !mykill !misty !doom !deivid !z !tam !jakes7 !grim !taco !giant !unfortune !tom*
Hey guys, I'm **Holloweed** or **Hollow**, I'm **25 years-old** and I stream on **Saturday** , **Monday** , **Wednesday** , **Friday** at **4pm** to **8pm** **Central European Time**, come say hi in chat, I speak **English**, **German** and **Arabic**. I've streamed games since **2018**, but I have mainly streamed **Dark Souls 3** as i have **5000 hours** in the game with friendly community. I have made a few **Dark Souls 3 Techs and Tutorials** on my [**Youtube**]( and I always upload anything i learn in DS3 to let everyone learn from my channel. Also if you want to join my [**Discord**](, you can come there and ask questions about DS3, and i will do my best to help you figure out what you need help with. In the discord, you will get all notifications when I upload a YT video or when i go live on twitch. Here you can find all the [**Builds**]( I use in DS3 ranging from SL 133 to 30 but most of my builds are SL 133. Currently, I'm waiting for **Demon's Souls:Remake** to come out so i can start streaming a new Souls Game. I have also played other games like **Resident Evil** from time to time. If you **enjoy** the content, please make sure to hit the **follow button**.