Profile banner for hyperstryke



Just your friendly neighborhood DM who has a thing for playing video games. Not too much more than that, I'm afraid.

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Like what you're watching? Then support the stream! You can support the stream by dropping a follow, lurking in the stream or through subs and bits (once I hit Affiliate). Don't worry, follow alerts are anonymous, so you don't have to worry about being called out. Feeling generous? You can gift me Steam games from my wishlist or make a donation. Any and all donations received go towards bettering the stream. [Hyperstryke's Wishlist](
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I'm just a not-so-average West Coast, Canadian guy (He/Him, They/Them is acceptable) looking to play some games online and have fun doing it. I dabble in a number of bigger game series (e.g. Mario, Zelda, etc.), but I have been known to enjoy lesser known titles, among other things like crosswords and monster collection games (but Pokemon I have no interest in playing, total burnout.) I also enjoy Dungeons and Dragons, (current scandals notwithstanding) most notably Ravenloft, a gothic horror setting that takes place in the Demiplane of Dread, which coincidentally shares the same name. A number of the backgrounds I use are from that setting.
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Q: I've seen you in other speedrunners chats! Are you a speedrunner? A: Not really no, but I try from time to time. Dr. Mario and Knights of the Round are the two games I'll try to run. Q: Is something wrong with your hand? A: Okay, I knew this would come up eventually, so I might as well answer it. On Dec 28, 2012, I had a epileptic seizure. After getting tests done, I was diagnosed with a class 5 AVM, or Arteriovenous Malformation in the right side of my brain. It is a cluster of blood vessels that limits the amount of blood flow to the left side of my body, thus the left side of my body is incredibly underdeveloped as opposed to the right. This, of course, leads to muscle fatigue and weakness, among other things. This may lead me to take unscheduled breaks during gameplay, oftentimes to quickly recover from said malady. Q: Is it curable? Can it be removed? A: At this moment in time? No. My AVM is a 5-centimeter (read: 2-inch) diameter cluster of all sorts of nasty not-niceness. To answer the second part... Well... If I got it removed at this point in time, I'd likely either not be here anymore or a completely different person. And not in the good way. In time, I suppose a better method will be found to treat it, but for now... Well, let's play some games, shall we? Q: What's up with the spider banners? A: Aside from spiders being great critters, this particular spider is the insignia for my favorite faction in Heroes of Might and Magic: The Necropolis.
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A few simple rules: + Treat others the same way you want to be treated. - Simple, yet easily forgotten. + Keep incendiary topics out of chat (politics, religion, etc.) - Normally, I like to foster an environment for healthy debate, but topics like these belong in DMs only. I will not moderate nor tolerate any discussions of these topics. + No Kappas, "Pepe" emotes or anything shaped like a "pepe" emote. - I've heard excuses from people along the lines of "Oh, there's a Kappa, I'm being sarcastic." Sarcasm or not, hurtful or disparaging comments are not necessary. Pepe emotes are political in nature and make people uncomfortable. + Don't spam stuff. Nightbot *will* gank you for it. + A certain wizard game will *NOT* be played on this channel. Ever. The act of asking if I will or not is a perma-bannable offense. Failure to abide by these simple rules will get you banned, straight-up. Bans are 24 hours at minimum before appeals so all parties can cool their heads. Egregious offenses are perma-bans, and ban-evading? Haha, no. **I reserve the right to add or remove rules as I see fit and/or as they come up.**
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#Regarding SWEARING: I'll try my best not to swear, but it's going to happen. It's inevitable. That said, some swearing is fine, just don't go overboard. Long tirades and excessive swearing is not necessary. (unless solicited) If Automod gets you, I (or my mods) have final say. #Regarding RANDOMIZERS: I do enjoy playing randomizers on occasion, they're fun ways to keep a game fresh. I'm not great at them, so all I'm in it for is a fun experience. I only know a few tricks for the randomizers I play, so if you come in expecting to see crazy tricks like hovers (in the case of LTTPR), then I'm sorry in advance because I don't know it nor do I care to learn it. #Regarding SPOILERS/BACKSEATING: If I'm playing a game for the first time (and you'll know if I am), don't blurt out spoilers. It's not cool, and is a bannable offense. The same goes for backseating, unless I *specifically* ask for help. Also, don't tell me what game to play. If you want to be bossy about that, then play it yourself. #Regarding LINKS: Ask first. 'Nuff said. Links to illegal material will be met with the Banscythe. #Regarding LURKERS: We love lurkers. They are awesome. My follow alerts do not show names to protect lurkers.