Profile banner for hypocriticgg



Variety streams & unadulterated reviews. Cheetspeek/Lou, Sericereal/Teresa, and Savethebologna/Justin bring you playthroughs of the games you know (and maybe love) while offering up occasionally-completely-reasonable opinions.

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We're more than just a pretty stream! Check out our YouTube channel for developer interviews, edited stream highlights, and more fun content!
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Chat Rules

We like to keep it loose around here, but y'all gotta behave yourselves, so keep this in mind: -We stream what we stream, how we stream it! Repeated attempts to suggest or influence content (i.e. your playstyle is boring, stop playing this game mode, take that off the screen) may result in timeouts or bans. -Hate speech toward anyone or anything is straight-up unacceptable and will absolutely get you banned. Just don't do it! -Link sharing is off since we get a lot of bot spam. Whisper us a link if you want it posted!