Profile banner for hyrulehero



Not Garbage


I have consoles and expensive video stuff


component to tink to a superior pc crt monitor or lcd monitor fuck pvms




I stole stuff without paying so he gets free advertisement

Real Speedruns

Panel Content
# Personal Bests: >EarthBound Any% - [1:05:36]( >EarthBound Boogey% - [1:05:08]( >>Worst Record - [2:34:11]( >Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Glitchless - [3:48:38]( >Mega Man X 100% - [1:17:00]( >Super Metroid Any% KPDR - [52:47](

Top Doofus

btw, I lost count after 7/17, hockey is pretty much number 1, I don't know where I'll be without you guys <3 1. thehockeytowner - pliskinld - rx7pineapple - cray4k_ - agentop - xxherooftime - truth_tv - heckman_r32 - antinomy - quikemart - zerogates - phazonknight - novellecaster - marosi07 - melonax - frosty884 - billyw2525 - potatotinkle - its_gamb - devinbrodie25 - death2qwerty >Donations are 100% required. [Drop money here](

Hyrule Castle

Panel Content
Join my discord or not, it's dead anyway.
Panel Content
I'm keeping this up here until they find out I'm a bad affiliate

The Best Zelda

Panel Content

The Best Mario

Panel Content

The Best Smash

Panel Content

The Most RNG RPG

Panel Content

The Best Musicians

[Carl10O1]( [JIG](