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IAmATree streamuje Rocket League.

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If you're struggling with gamesense and the necessary base mechanics/decisionmaking to accomodate it, consider booking me here by clicking on the image!
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Hi! My name is Tim and I am a tree. I'm a variety streamer, mainly playing Rocket League, Path of Exile and Minecraft. Occasionally I like to play singleplayer games as well. Heads up: some games require too much focus from me to actively watch the twitch chat. If you have any questions for me during Rocket League for example, I would suggest to ask these questions a few seconds before a match ends. It also helps if you type out my name in your post so it gets highlighted for me.
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* Keep things civil. Refrain from insulting people who disagree with your point of view. If you have beef, talk it out in private messages (e.g through the new /w <user> command) and then become best friends for life. * Rocket League is love. Rocket League is life.
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As you may have guessed, the main game I'll be playing and streaming is Rocket League. Other games I may be streaming include, but are not limited to: * Path of Exile * VR games
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I don't necessarily want your money, but sometimes your money inevitably wants me. In this case, it will be spent to improve the quality of the stream and Rocket League copies to give away in raffles. Thanks in advance! #TOP DONATORS: - r31d4n: €750. Thanks a LOT! Stream is looking much better because of you <3 - Demonto: €116. Really appreciate your support thus far man, hope you still enjoy the stream! <3 - Uhtred68: €100. Thanks! Hope you keep enjoying Rocket League :) - Hyouro (defcon 5.5): €61. You're the reason I wanted to enable text to speech :D - Inly Joe - €50 (Steam code) Cheers dude!
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I can't stick to schedules, so for now I'll just leave this blank. You can also find out when I stream on my [Twitter](https://twitter.com/VirtualTrident); I'll announce when I go live there.