Záhlaví kanálu ibahaa

96 sledujících


Moc toho o uživateli IBahaa nevíme, ale určitě je super.

Obsah panelu
Please understand that you are not donating to me and that you are donating to better the Stream For Giveaways and other Crazy things we can get into! this is not something that i do for a living so you are not paying my bills or allowing me to go out on a friday night you are just simply supporting the stream ! every little bit is appreciated !
Obsah panelu
Name - Trent ( Call me Trent or Bahaa in Chat Doesn't Matter to me) Age - 23 Consoles? - PS4 , Xbox One, Pc Hopefully one day i can turn this into something Full time but we all know thats just crazy talk. (or atleast thats what ive been told)
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