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A dude who learns Japanese with anime, games and visual novels.

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Just a random guy that likes to play videogames and translate stuff. You can call me Andrew or 糸成 (イトナ). I will mostly be studying Japanese, so if you're Japanese or know Japanese, please feel free to speak in the chat! Not many people pass by, but if you do and say hi in the chat, I will always answer. Enjoy your stay! For business enquiries (translation mostly): or send me a DM on twitter.
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Name: Andrew / 糸成 (イトナ) Age: 24 Hobbies: Skateboard, Games, Guitar, Reading, Translation and Astronomy - in no particular order. Q: Why did you start learning Japanese? A: Anime and Manga. Later, got more interested in kanji and VN's. Q: Why Japanese and not other language? A: No particular reason, I just liked it and kept going. Q: When did you start learning? A: March, 2015. I wasn't consistent every since so i've been learning on and off since early 2018. Q: How do you do your anki cards? A: Type !studymethod in chat. If you have more questions, please do ask! Q: Any ultimate goals? A: My original goal when I started was to pass JLPT N2; now that I passed N1, I know that this is just the beginning. Still dekinai though. Commands: type !commands in chat!
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Download FrankerFaceZ, BetterTTV or 7TV to use these cool emotes in this chat! They're both available on Chrome and Firefox.
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Visual novel reading sessions and just random talks about anime or manga. Join in!
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Icon made by [Tahkosan!]( Click the picture! Thanks Lachtbara and ai97 for A LOT of gifted subs!!!! Thanks 0itoo, Katacaba and ScareCrown for being the first subs!
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$1 for tts
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