Profile banner for iisalad



I am iiSalad, I stream Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Randomizer Runs and do well in Tournaments sometimes!

Who am I?

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Hey! Welcome to my channel. I'm a Speedrunner who likes to stream on Twitch. I am an incredible Entertainer and quite possibly the best video game player in the entire world. Enjoy. Oh, i've also sinked in more hours into Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) than any human in the entire world. How crazy is that?

Personal Bests -

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I've been on a little hiatus, but as I stream and speedrun more and more over the next few months I will update this regularly! Kingdom Hearts II: Beginner Any% - 3:59:29 Beginner All Worlds - 5:10:40 (WR) Beginner JJ 100% - 10:41:33 (WR)

If for some reason you want to give me money...

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Honestly - I would prefer if you subscribe to my channel! If you are already subbed but would still like to do more to help me out, a gifted sub to another user would be awesome! I'm sorry I don't have sub emotes yet. I will make sure to get those done in the near future!

When do I stream?

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I work two weekdays a week. So you'll catch me streaming 5 days a week! I might do two streams per day too (One at EU friendly time, one at NA friendly time!) The best thing you can do to find out when i'm streaming is to Follow me on [Twitter]( for stream updates (and also some friendly banter)

What do I stream?

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Click [here]( to see a list of my speedrun goals. I'm currently focusing on getting a PB in Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)!