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Creator of Foamy The Squirrel, Pum'Kin Guy, Neurotically Yours, Steve & Gora, 4y-Records, music, art, doodles, and more. :) (Don't know me? Check out )

Tips via Stream Elements

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For those who dislike Streamlabs. (Alerts may be jank though) :(
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If you're able to help out, TY! If not, Spread the Word! Either way, ENJOY!
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If you want to help out via Paypal. (Doesn't show up during streams though) :(

Support JiM! with STUFF!

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JiM's official DBH shop! TY!
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Because people usually ask, Ill Will Press : PO Box 733 : Woodbury CT 06798 Some people like to send me thingies.... like coupons for cream cheese. (Seriously). -_- Anyway, if you feel the need to send something, that's where it should go.
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: AbOuT Me :

I'm J.i.M a.k.a. iLL WiLL PrEss. I work on a cartoon called Neurotically Yours featuring Foamy The Squirrel, and have been for almost 20 years, thanks to the awesome support of everyone! (Dawn B. voice of Germaine in the series pops in from time to time.)

:: RULES ::

Don't be a jerk, go out of your way to irritate the streamer, and stuff like that. It's pointless and disrupts chat. Easy enough. (Follower Only Mode is enabled to stop bots n' stuff) Try to be positive about things. (More of a suggestion, but it does help the mood) No sexism, racism or other forms of discrimination or harassment. Be civil. (Don't be combative with chat/mods just for the sake of drama.) No Self Promoting. No Spamming. No Religion or Politics. (It makes people angry & just divides people.) No Spoilers or Backseating (Unless help is asked for) Time-Outs : If you are timed out for whatever reason, don't stress about it. Take a break and come back later. Do not return and be rude to the person that timed you out. Yeah it's annoying, and sometimes mistakes happen, but being rude doesn't help the situation. Bans : If you were banned by a mod, those bans are usually upheld. If you were banned, then unbanned, and then banned again. This just may not be the place for you. It happens. Don't stress about it. There's a million other streams that are probably more entertaining anyway :) Be well and enjoy life. I generally try not to ban anyone, but mods may have a heavier hand than I do and they're here for that reason. I will generally respect their decision as most have been here for years. Ban Appeals : There are none anymore as I've unbanned people before only to have them be banned again. Also ban evasions will be reported and pending jurisdiction, legally could constitute harassment. So don't do it. Also share your pizza.