Bannière de profil pour imcatjam

41,2 k followers

캣잼 (imcatjam)

I am CatJam, ngl ♡ My stream is 24/7. ♡ Follow me please ♡ Keep Jam ♡ #CatJam4Partner ♡ Business Inquires - ♡ Raid with 20+ peoples - follow back ♡

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Hello! Im CatJam. I live in the Donbass, but my bank accounts are Russian and now I feel big difficulties. I won't receive payments from twitch until it's all over, I really don't have much left and I can't spend money on something extra for me and even for the channel. This is the only way for me to get money, and I will get everything else from twitch much later. *Really grateful for your support at such a terrible time for me.*
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[LAYZR.GG]( You want something really unique of your streaming star? Collect digital streamer cards! How? Get cards while watching your favorite streamer or get boxes to complete your collection and support your streamer. Compare yourself with other fans and become his fan number one! **Be LAYZR!**
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There were some ways, but now you can only do it using the channel points. This may change, stay tuned. My fans are fans this song, so bad for us to change it :(
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#**Meow Points** are loyalty points that you can get: For watching the stream (10 minutes) - 12 points (x2 for subs) Sub/resub/gift sub - 1000 points. Cheering - 10 points for 1 bits. Host or raid - 100 points. Donate - 777 points for 1$. ##To find out how many points you have, use **!points (or !p)** You can also write **!gamble** number/number%/all and hope that you will be lucky (abbreviated - !g; For example: !g 100 / !g 50% / !g all) You can also challenge someone to a duel for points: "**!duel** username amount", for example: !duel ImCatJam 1000 You can also give these points to other people, but with a commission of 100 points every time! Just "**!give** username number/number%/all", for example: !give ImCatJam all Also, every week you can get free 1000 points (**!bonus**), or **!subbonus** and 4000 points if you are a sub. Also, when someone sub channel or sends bits (100 or more), a giveaway of points begins in the chat and to take part in the giveaway, you need to write **!join** You can use Meow Points to redeem items from the [store]( (**!Store**). Now you can buy VIP chat for a month for 100,000 points and an exclusive role "GAMBLING MASTER" in my discord for 250,000 points. If you have ideas for products for points, you can recommend them.
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# Rules in the chat: + **Just jamming in chat**. Chat about anything that twitch allow. Don't use forbidden words. Please don't be racist and don't use offensive nicknames. + **You can chat in any language**, BUT! if there are people in the chat who understand your language. That is: if you communicate with a friend in your own language, this is normal and allowed, but if you just entered the chat and started writing in your language (not English), **you can get a timeout**. + **You can spam BTTV and 7tv emotes in the chat with any power** + **Links are prohibited**. You must be at least sub or vip for post links. + I sit in the chat almost always, but I can sleep or be busy (when i'm free i will see all events in the chat, type '$check afk imcatjam' to get know). **So, please do not write me something incomprehensible**. I try to answer everyone, but if it's something stupid and incomprehensible, especially if it's not in English, I'll just ignore it or give a timeout if it offended me. **If you need to talk to me, you better write to me in the discord or twitch**
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Hello ! Thank you for checking out my channel ! I am CatJam and I am Russian. I can speak Russian, Ukrainian and English (type !catjamlang); I often in my chat and you can easily chat with me :D I thought about reveal one day, since at that moment no one heard/saw me, and does not know how old I am, and even my gender is not known for most people.. but, I would like to become a VTuber, so plans to reveal are definitely canceled. But I can say that I am less than 20 years old :D **Business Inquires -** I love this cat, and so do my viewers. This channel is created only for you to enjoy and Jamming with us. Join us and be good kitten <3
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#**Commands just for link:** + !donate + !discord + !song + !links + !youtube + !7tv + !store + !merch + !songs + !tg + !socials + !all + !sub #**Commands that provide information:** + ***!stats*** - Shows your information. Includes: Number of messages sent (only works if you are in the top 100 by messages - currently about 1400 messages), your rank by messages, how many subs did you gift, how many bits did you sent, your watchtime with rank, your number of points with rank, your followage. + ***!followage*** - Shows how long you've been following. + ***!watchtime*** - Shows how much time did you spend watching me. + ***!rank*** - Shows your rank by points. + ***!viewers (!v)*** - Shows how much viewers has ImCatJam right now. + ***!views*** - Shows how much views has ImCatJam right now. + ***!followers (!f)*** - Shows how much followers has ImCatJam right now. + ***!subs (!s)*** - Shows how much subs has ImCatJam right now. + ***!catjamtime (!cjt)*** - Shows the exact time of ImCatJam. + ***!uptime (!ut)*** - Shows how much time I stream. + ***!lastmessage (!lm)*** - Shows when he sent the last message and what he wrote there. + ***!howtoearnpoints (!how)*** - Explain how to earn points and what you can do with it (come on, just read the thing on the top, I also didn't write a lot things about it, because it's there). + ***!top points/alltime/online/offline*** - Shows the Leaderboard. + ***$when*** - Tells you when your command is going to be played next, approximately. (mean only commands with $ in start) + ***!accountage (!aa)*** - Shows the age of your account + ***$subage ($sa)*** - Fetches the subscription data for a given user on a given channel on Twitch. #**Another main things:** + ***!rename*** - If you changed your nickname, write "!rename 'oldname'" to get your statistics back + ***!mod*** - Sends link for twitch mod application. + ***!lang*** - Explains what language can be spoken in the chat. + ***!time (t)*** - Explains how long I have been streaming. + ***!catjamlang*** - Tells about main language of ImCatJam. + ***!lasttweet*** - Shows last tweet by ImCatJam. + ***!lyrics*** - Posts lyrics of this song. #**Important fun things:** + ***$set*** - Sets/unsets certain variables within Supibot. Check the [extended help]( for full info. + ***$translate*** - Implicitly translates from auto-recognized language to English. Supports parameters 'from' and 'to'. Example: '$translate from:german to:french Guten Tag', or just '$translate to:ru Hello'. + ***$dictionary ($dict)*** - fetches the dictionary definition of a word. You can use "lang:" to specifiy a language, and if there are multiple definitions, you can add "index:#" with a number to access specific definition indexes. More about it [here]( + ***$afk/gn/shower/food/lurk/poop/💩/ppPoof/work/study*** - Flags you as AFK (away from keyboard). While you are AFK, others can check if you are AFK with **$check afk 'username' (also you can check ImCatJam).** On your first message while AFK, the status ends and the bot will announce you coming back. Several aliases exist in order to make going AFK for different situations easier. + ***$countlinerecord ($clr)*** - Posts the two records of each channel: The amount, and the total length of messages posted within each one minute. + ***$cryptogame ($cg)*** - very cool game about crypto right on chat! Read more about it [here]( + ***$cryptowallet ($cw)*** - checks for the balance of a crypto wallet. Currently supports BTC and ETH. + ***$randomgachi ($rg)*** - fetches a random gachi track from the gachi list, excluding Bilibili and Nicovideo videos with no Youtube reuploads. + ***$statistics ($stats)*** - posts various statistics regarding you or other users, e.g. total afk time. Read more about it [here]( + ***$time*** - for a provided location, returns the current time, timezone and date it is observing. Supports custom locations of users - this can be set with the '$set location' command. #**Fun things:** + ***!fact*** - sends random fact about catjam. + ***!casino*** - sends 3 random catjam's of 13. Chance for double: 7.69% | Chance for triple: 0.59% (was about 3 times), prize for triple - friend on twitch. + ***$%*** - rolls a random percentage between 0 and 100%. + ***$8ball/!8ball*** - checks your question against the fortune-telling 8-ball. + ***$9gag*** - searches 9gag for posts that fit your search text, or a random featured one if you don't provide anything. + ***$artflow ($rafi)*** - Fetches a random image along with the prompt that was used to generate it. + ***$beefact*** - Posts a random fact about bees. + ***$chan*** - Pulls a random post from a random board, or a specified one, if you provide it. + ***$chatneighbour ($cn)*** - Finds your chat neighbour(s). When you take the chatter list in a channel and sort by the alphabet, your chat neighbours are users that come before and after you in the list. Use this to find new friends! 😃
+ ***$coinflip ($cf)*** - Flips a coin. + ***$comment*** - Fetches a random comment from a set of 10 thousand randomly generated Youtube videos. + ***$cookie*** - Open a random fortune cookie wisdom. Watch out - only one allowed per day, and no refunds! Daily reset occurs at midnight UTC. + ***$copypasta*** - Fetches a random Twitch-related copypasta. + ***$corona ($covid)*** - Checks the current amount of infected/deceased people from the Corona Virus spread started in October-December 2019. + ***$crypto*** - Fetches the latest price of a cryptocurrency. + ***$currentmessagerates ($cmr)*** - Fetches the current messages/minute stats in the current channel. + ***$doesnotexist ($dne)*** - Posts a random picture from the site, and its variants (check [extended help]( for a list). These pictures are not real, they have been generated by an AI. Also write $dne list to see a list of available types of stuff that does not exist. + ***$downloadclip ($dlclip)*** - Takes a Twitch clip name or link, and sends a download link to it into whispers. + ***$emotecheck ($ec)*** - Posts the list of each of Twitch's amazing "global" emote sets. Examples: $ec dankpeepo / football / food / glitchcon / h1z1 / haha / hind / hype2020 / hype2021 / hyperscape / hypetrain / kkona / kpop / oldhype / luv / pride2019 / pride2020 / rpg / 2fa. + ***!emotes bttv/ffz*** - Shows active emotes in chat. + ***$fakenews*** - Randomly creates fake news headlines from existing presets. These are not real, and are supposed to be light-hearted and just a joke. Don't take them seriously. + ***$firstchannelfollower ($fcf)*** - Fetches the first user that follows you or someone else on Twitch. + ***$firstfollowedchannel ($ffc)*** - Fetches the first channel you or someone else have ever followed on Twitch. + ***$forsenCD ($pajaCD)*** - A random quote from the two time! 1993, 1994 back to back blockbuster video game champion! + ***$fuck*** - Fucks target user to bed. + ***$gachi ($gl)*** - Posts the link of gachimuchi list on + ***$gachicheck ($gc)*** - Checks if a given gachi link exists in the database, if not, adds it to the todo list to be processed later. + ***$gachisearch ($gs)*** - Searches for a given track in the gachi list, and attempts to post a link. + ***$getprofilepicture ($pfp)*** - For a given Twitch user, this command will fetch their profile picture. + ***$gift ($give)*** - Gifts a certain something to someone else. Right now, supported parameters are: "cookie" - gifts your cooldown for a cookie to someone else! + ***$haHAA ($4Head)*** - Posts a random, hilarious joke, 100% guaranteed. + ***$horoscope*** - Checks your horoscope, if you have set your birthday within supibot. (check $set) + ***$id*** - Checks your (or someone else's) ID in the database of users - the lower the number, the earlier the user was first spotted + ***$inspireme*** - Inspires you. Randomly. + ***$knowyourmeme ($kym)*** - Gets a smol description of a meme from KnowYourMeme, it's just the summary. + ***$lastcommand*** - Posts your last command executed in the current channel. Only goes back up to 1 minute. + ***$lastreminder ($lr)*** - Fetches the last (already used) reminder a target user has set for you. Check $reminder. + ***$lastseen ($ls)*** - For a given user, this command tells you when they were last seen - based on their chat activity. + ***$markov*** - Creates a random sequence of words based on a Markov-chain module from Twitch chat. More about it [here]( + ***$math*** - Does math. For more info, check it [here]( + ***$news*** - Fetches short articles. You can use a 2 character ISO code to get country specific news, or any other word as a search query. + ***$nutrients*** - Posts basic nutrients for a specified food query. + ***$ocr*** - Takes your image link and attempts to find the text in it by using OCR. + ***$optout*** - Makes it so you cannot be the target of a command - the command will not be executed at all. For detailed usage, please check the extended help [here]( + ***$origin*** - Fetches the origin of a given emote. + ***$osrs*** - Aggregate command for whatever regarding Old School Runescape. Read about it [here]( + ***$pick*** - Picks a single word from the provided list of words in a message. + ***$pingme*** - Sets a self-notification in the current channel when the target user is spotted in a different channel. + ***$poe*** - A collection of various Path of Exile related commands. Check the extended help on [website( for more info. + ***$randomalbum ($ra)*** - Posts a random album. + ***$randomanimalfact ($raf)*** - Posts a random fact about a selected animal type. ($rbf for bird, $rcf for cat, $rdf for dog, $rff for fox) + ***$randomanimalpicture ($rap)*** - Posts a random picture for a given animal type. ($rbp for bird, $rcp for cat, $rdp for dog, $rfp for fox) + ***$randomclip ($rc)*** - Posts a random clip from either the current channel or the specified channel. You can specify a parameter period, with options day/week/month/all, for example: period:week. + ***$randomcocktail ($cock)*** - Searches for a cocktail recipe by its name, or fetches a random one, if no search query was provided. + ***$randomdonger ($rd)*** - Posts random shit made of symbols + ***$randomemoji ($re)*** - Fetches a random emoji. If a number is provided, rolls that many emojis. + ***$randomemote ($rem)*** - Fetches a random emote from the scope of current channel. Configurable with parameters, check it [here]( + ***$randomfilm ($rf)*** - Fetches a random movie. + ***$randomgeneratedmeme ($rgm)*** - Posts the text of a randomly generated meme. + ***$randomgondola ($rgo)*** - Posts a random gondola video, based on the Gondola Stravers API.
+ ***$randomhistoricevent ($rhe)*** - For a given day, posts a random historic event that happened on that day. If not provided, uses the today's date. Example: '$rhe 04 04'. + ***$randominstagram ($rig)*** - Fetches a random Instagram user's post, from their most recently posted ones. + ***$randomkanyewestquote ($rkwq)*** - Posts a random Kanye West quote. + ***$randommeal ($rmeal)*** - Searches for a meal recipe by its name, or fetches a random one, if no search query was provided. + ***$randommeme ($rm)*** - If no parameters are provided, posts a random reddit meme. If you provide a subreddit, a post will be chosen randomly. + ***$randompastebin ($rpb)*** - Fetches a random programming related paste, posted recently (up to ~1 hour old). You can use a language identifier to pick a random paste that uses just that language. + ***$randomword ($rw)*** - Fetches a random word. If a number is provided, rolls that many words. + ***$record*** - Checks for various max/min records of various sources within Supibot. 'afk' - Posts the longest time you were AFK for; 'cookie' - Posts stats for whoever ate the most fortune cookies. + ***$remind*** - Sets a notify for a given user. Can also set a time to ping that user (or yourself) in given amount of time, but in that case you must use the word "in" and then a number specifying the amount days, hours, minutes, etc. It's such a good command, read more about it [here]( + ***$resumeafk ($rafk)*** - Resumes your AFK status, if used within 5 minutes of coming back from AFK. This command can only be used once every 2 minutes (!) globally. + ***$roll ($dice)*** - Rolls a random number. If nothing is specified, rolls 1-100. You can specify min and max values, or some expression using standard dice notation. + ***$russianroulette ($rr)*** - Play the roulette. If you win, nothing happens; if you lose, you get timed out. You can add a number 1-600 (default: 1) which says how long you will be timed out, should you lose. + ***$shuffle*** - Shuffles the provided message, word by word. + ***$slots*** - Once at least three unique emotes (or words) have been provided, rolls a pseudo slot machine to see if you get a flush. + ***$sort*** - Sorts the message provided alphabetically. + ***$speedrun*** - Fetches the current world record speedrun of a given name in the default category. Check [extended help]( for more info. + ***$stackoverflowsearch*** ($sos) - Searches SO for relevant questions and answers. + ***$stalk*** - For a given user, attempts to find the message they last sent in chat, plus the channel and time when they posted it. + ***$stock*** - Fetches the latest price and daily change for a stock. + ***$streaminfo*** - Posts stream info about a Twitch channel. + ***$texttransform*** - Transforms some given text to different styles, according to the transform type provided. Each type, and their aliases listed [here](, along with an example. + ***$thesaurus*** - Attempts to re-creates your sentence using random synonyms for each word. + ***$topemotestoday ($tet)*** - Posts the top 10 used emotes on Twitch for today, or a given day. + ***$topgames*** - Fetches the top 10 most popular games on twitch, based on current viewer count. + ***$topstreams*** - Checks the top 5 streams on twitch - if you add a game, will look for top 5 streams playing that game. Game must be provided verbatim. + ***$transliterate*** - Transliterates non-latin text into Latin. Should support most of the languages not using Latin (like Japanese, Chinese, Russian) + ***$twitchlotto ($tl)*** - Fetches a random Imgur image from a Twitch channel (based off Twitchlotto) and checks it for NSFW stuff via an AI. The "NSFW score" is posted along with the link. + ***$twitchlottoexplain ($tle)*** - For a given processed TwitchLotto link, creates a version where the detections are marked with boxes. + ***$twitter ($tweet)*** - Fetches the last tweet from a given user. No retweets or replies, just plain standalone tweets. You can also use '$twitter random:true (account)', '$twitter includeRetweets:true (account)' and '$twitter textOnly:true (account)' ***$unmention*** - Makes a specific command (or, in advanced mode, a combination of command/channel/platform, or global) not mention you by removing the "username," part at the beginning. + ***$unping*** - Sets/unsets a command pinging you when it's being invoked. + ***$vanish*** - Times out the user for 1 second. + ***$vod*** - Posts the last VOD of a specified channel. If you use the keyword "current", you'll get a timestamp as well. + ***$weather*** - Fetches the current weather in a given location. You can specify parameters to check forecast, or mention a user to get their location, if they set it up. Check all possibilities in [extended help]( + ***$whatanimeisi ($tracemoe)*** - What anime is it? For a given screenshot of an anime show, this command will attempt to recognize the show's name, episode and timestamp. + ***$whatemoteisit ($weit)*** - What emote is it? Posts specifics about a given Twitch subscriber emote. + ***$wiki*** - Fetches the headline of the first article found according to user query. Watch out, articles might be case sensitive. You can also use '$wiki lang:(language) (topic)' and '$wiki linkOnly:true (topic)'. + ***$youtubesearch ($ys)*** - Searches Youtube for video(s) with your query. Only a certain amount of uses are available daily. + ***!rsp*** - Real 'Rock Paper Scissors' game in chat. Type '!rsp' for help.