Profile banner for imshaydin



Hello everyone, my name is Shaydin! I like fun games

Wanna Play?

Most of the time I'm open to play with viewers. Just ask in the comments and I'll see it, or message my gamertag: HIDD3N Dragon I stream only Xbox One right now, but I may play other platforms in the future.
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Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates and scheduled streams!
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I'm starting out on Youtube and even upload some edited versions of my streams

Why Stream?

I've been gaming for a while, from activities and challenges as a small child, to board games and soon after video games. It's a fun way to reenact a experience, but a virtual one, so it's safe and sometimes repeatable. Now that thats out of the way, the answer at hand.... I stream because I watch a lot of online content, and had(and still continue to get) hours of enjoyment and entertainment from it. One day I realized that I should give back to the online community and create, or innovate some content to viewers like me. Some of my favourite creators and innovators are Rooster Teeth, Markiplier, Chris Smoove, YMDGento and The Game Grumps.
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Yeah, I Know How It Looks......

You don't have to donate and shouldn't feel pressured too, but it does help me to afford new and cool games and improve my set up!