Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho imslice

3,3 N người theo dõi


I'm Slice, and I host streams here on Twitch whenever i can. My timezone is Belgian time (UTC/GMT+1). I am lucky enough to always have an awesome chat, and everyone is welcome! Full odds shiny hunting with friends is what I love to do here, very occasionally I stream other games too though.

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Slice's YouTube Channel, highlights will be posted here!
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Slice's Twitter, a very good place to keep in touch!
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This stream has a discord server. Find and talk to people from this stream!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Because of popular request, I have placed a donate button. Every donor gets a 15 second notification. Please do not feel like you HAVE to donate, just being here and chatting along is more then enough :)

Feel free to add me on Pokémon GO!

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