Баннер профиля для inkd_tuna

494 фолловера


Self proclaimed BEST in the group chat.Just here to game with my friends like old times.

Содержимое панели
Tuna. Nyv. Hatchett. These are all names I go by. You're welcome to call me by all or any. I've been streaming for a while but taken breaks on and off. I do DnD Streams on my Facebook if you're interested. I like a lot of stuff and find a lot of stuff funny. Easy and chill dude and pretty laid back so feel free to ask me whatever.
Содержимое панели
I think we all as adults know how to act. It is a 18+ channel though so don't expect it to be PG.
Содержимое панели
[Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TunaWithSomeInkd) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/inkd_tuna/?hl=en) [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/DwarfKang)
Содержимое панели
Donating to me will allow me to hunt the Goatman and buy Mashed Potatoes. Click the button above to donate.