instafuzz_live 프로필 배너

팔로워 782명


Instafuzz_LIVE님이 헬다이버스 2, 레드 데드 리뎀션 2, Apex 레전드 방송 중

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Here you can find other content of myself.
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Hi im Vincent im 25 and from the Netherlands, i stream RP and sometimes some varitey. GTA 5: NoPixel as Lorenzo Castillo RDR 2: Wild West RP as Bear and Luca Castillo
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These rules should be pretty straight forward, and should thereby be simple to follow! >- Rasism, sexism and such will NOT be tolerated. you will be banned without warning. >- Do not post links unless authorised by myself or a moderator. >- No Spamming chat. u will get a nice ol' timeout. >- No metagaming, if something happens in-game, i'd like to find that out in-game. >- No backseat gaming. if i want help, i'll ask it. >- English only, i know i'm dutch n' all but i want to keep it a language that everyone understands. >- Leave Polictial shit out of my stream, you will be banned. Also, Moderators are chosen. not asked for. if you do however feel the need to ask u will blacklist yourself to ever become one
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INF Esports official affiliate partners: - [Amazon]( - [Humblebundle](
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