1,3 tis. sledovateľov



Thanks for checking out my channel :) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/InTheFlesh93) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/intheflesh93/) [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/ks8ucw9)


Obsah panela
While there is no requirement or incentive (other than my thanks and appreciation) for you to donate, if you would like to do so you can by clicking **[here](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/intheflesh93)**
Obsah panela

Competitive Battlerite Placements (Very Dated)

Obsah panela
(Image links to my MasterBattlerite page) 2nd Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Week 1) 2nd Place - Battlerekt 2v2s (Week 2) 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 2v2s (Season 1 Week 2) 3rd/4th Place - Battlereckt 3v3s (Season 1 Week 2) 3rd/4th Place - Battlereckt 2v2s (Season 1 Week 3) 2nd Place - Battlereckt 3v3s (Season 1 Week 3) 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 2v2s (Season 1 Week 4) 2nd Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Season 1 Week 4) 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 2v2s (Season 1 Finals) 2nd Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Season 1 Finals) 2nd Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Season 2 Week 1) 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Season 2 Week 2) 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Season 2 Week 3) 3rd/4th Place - PRL 2v2s (Jan 21st) 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 3v3s (Season 2 Week 4) 3rd/4th Place - PRL 3v3s (Feb 15th) 3rd Place - Enter The Arena 3v3 1st Place - Misterpinks 1v1 Tournament 3rd Place - Misterpinks 2v2 Tournament 12/14 3rd/4th Place - Battlerekt 3v3 12/20/2017 1st Place - 3v3 Battlerite Rivals Cup #48

Yoshi's Island PBs

Any% (NNE) - [1:45:00](http://www.twitch.tv/intheflesh93/c/2918501) Any% Warpless - [1:51:12](http://www.twitch.tv/intheflesh93/c/3051649) I also play Dota 2 and stream it occasionally (I am awful but slowly improving). **[Here](http://www.dotabuff.com/players/172390070)** is a link to my dotabuff account.