Záhlaví kanálu itsdinodad

2,1 tis. sledujících


itsDinoDad vysílá Grand Theft Auto V.

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CHAT RULES You can discuss anything as long as it is in a respectful manner. If you cannot do that then the conversation stops. You can post any links that don't involve nudity, extreme gore, or shock websites. Keep it PG - 13 No hate speech, racism, sexually inappropriate comments or sexism. Swearing and using CAPS are allowed as long as its in moderation. Don't discuss timeouts/purges/bans in chat. If you have an issue message me personally. Don't ask to become a mod. Just be a decent human being.
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Donations are always appreciated but never necessary. If you wish to donate, click the link below! you may also click the donate image. [Donate here](https://streamlabs.com/itsdinodad) Thank you for supporting the stream
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