Profile banner for itsfrondly



Hi! I'm Frondly! The friendly, but foul-mouthed, axolotl! I'm trying my best!

About me!

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I play an axolotl on twitch, and I absolutely love it! I draw all the assets that I use myself, sometimes live on stream! I play a variety of games on the channel, although I avoid problem publishers like Activision/Blizzard. I hope you enjoy your time here, and I hope you come back for more!


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Check out the various social media things I've been pressured into creating! Watch in disbelief as I flop in real time!


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All art and assets are made and owned by ItsFrondly unless otherwise specified.

Chip Studios

Panel Content
Channel trailer provided by [Chipradical]( Want your own trailer? Click on the banner for Chip Studios website! Follow Chip on [twitch]( and give him a big ole' hug from me, if you do!