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Variety Streamer from London, England Platformers, Fighters and RPG's are my go-to genres so expect to see a lot of these! Been streaming since 2016

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I live in London, England. Platformers, Fighters/Brawlers, and RPG's are my favourite genres to play, so my streams will be based on them. I also speedrun Streets of Rage 4. Streets of Rage 4: Skate 2/Skate 3 Axel 3 Blaze3 Competitive Game Mains Mario Tennis Aces: Peach Smash 4: Luigi Smash Ult: Simon Street Fighter: Dhalsim/Rose Tekken: Capos (Eddy/Christie) Soulcalibur: Kilik/Sophitia
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First Playthroughs, Speedruns, and fun moments it's all right here!
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If you are enjoying the stream and would like to donate/contribute to streaming equipment or international tournament attendance any amount is noticed and geuninely appreciated. https://twitch.streamlabs.com/j__miller https://twitch.streamlabs.com/j__miller
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FAQ: Why do you prefer Luigi over anyone else in Smash 4? I've always liked Luigi since first playing SMB3 (All Stars) I just didn't really understand why his abilities and the fact he jumped higher were downplayed (as a kid) Anyway, as a character, I just like him, and then when Brawl came out after a year of searching for someone who I wanted to "main" as I got to a competitive level. Luigi was my go-to character for enjoyment purposes and fits my playstyle preferences. Who made your overlay/s? Living Creature.
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UPDATED: My schdule of streaming unfortunately is unpredictable due to the nature of my job. I will be streaming at any chance I get and normally for a very long time! That said, it's a week-by-week process of when I'll know how much I can stream but for now at least know I'm always active.