Profile banner for itskaboose



Streaming Perfect Dice with 4 viewers

Welcome to my channel! I stream daily, so feel free to hang out and have a good time!

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Tips are always appreciated, but not necessary! If you still wanna give a tip you can click here!
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Wanna support me and get your hands on some sweet merch at the same time? Go to the link here:
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Oh boy this is where I get to put shit about me! Hi there, I'm ItsKaboose (formerly kaboosewashere), but you can just call me Kaboose! I got the name from RvB as I was a big fan of it in high school and it just kinda stuck with me. My icon is the one I made for the semi-professional Grifball team (the Besticles) I was captain of for a few years. We even got a shitpost article written about us when we made it to the Semi-Finals because no one expected us to! **"Yeah but what is up with all the cones?"** Ah the common question I get asked sometimes... Well let me tell you all about it... It all started back when I was a wee cone... Alright I lied if you read the previous paragraph you would see that it was my Halo emblem since my Grifball days. I couldnt think of what else to use for my picture on Twitch, so I just slapped that on there. Since then the cone has become sentient and is slowly taking over the stream. If you are still confused/wondering/concerned about anything, just ask!
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Rules of the Stream: - No spoilers or backseating, unless I get stuck or ask for help - Have fun - Don't be stupid - No hate speech (see above rule) **And the most important rule:** - Have fun!
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Click the image above or [THIS]( to become a sub! You can also use your Twitch Prime for a **FREE SUB!!!** Subscribing grants the following perks: - Your name on the Sub Cone (gifting subs grants stickers for you on the cone) - Fun Subscriber emotes - Ability to post links with no timeouts - No stinky ads - Fun little cone next to your name (I'll change the sub badges eventuallyâ„¢) - My love kaboosHeart - Supporting the stream and allowing me to do the silly dumb things I do on it
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Join the Discord and gain access to: - Partaking in Community Nights (Saturdays ~830PM EST) - Keeping up to date with streams - Lots of random shit - Rumor has it joining makes you a badass (unconfirmed) - And more!