Profile banner for itsthealphaduck



Just your average guy streaming in his free time. Building a small community a day at a time!

Panel Content
Duck, Ducky, either or~ I play block games, league of legends and the occasional fps~

Chat Rules!

-Be Nice! -No disrespect towards one another! -No self promotion! -If you want to link something ask before doing so! -Listen to my mods! -Refrain from drama! -No racism!
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Panel Content
You can donate here to help support the stream! Any money donated will go towards the stream! You are not required to donate and I would never ask anyone to donate, it is just an option! But any donation received would be greatly appreciated and will not go unrecognized! #**The Big Ds** Sorrow_and_Sin Badcow101 ###**The Ds** Homeboy Axel123ax Drachbar Northwest_ven hackernova Poyzenelf Quincy1423 WarLegend UndyingRequiem BrennyisBeast Miss_Toki
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These guys are pretty cool [isbdavid]( [Mdubz](