Profile banner for itsyacatboy



Howdy! I'm Catboy, a 30-something (allegedly) British EN VTuber residing in Aus and I'm everyone's lil pogcat.

Chat Rules

- You must be 18+ - Don't be weird in the bad way - No bigotry or triggering topics - Any adult jokes should be in context and not grossly explicit - If you're asked to do/not do something, it's a rule, not a suggestion. - Do not discuss disciplinary action given to you by, or discourse you have with another streamer.
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You can expect mainly a variety of games but with some other things such as art. Mild NSFW should be expected with some swearing and innuendos. My stream is intended to be a safe space for everyone, especially LGBTQIA+ folks. Everyone is welcome as long as they're not toxic to the other members of my community.
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I stream every Monday and Wednesday 4.30PM (UTC +8) There may be additional bonus streams but these will be announced on my Twitter and Discord.
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'This is a knowledge free zone, the only thing we strive to understand is one another.' *This was originally rule 5 of a stream lost to the annals of time, but it's statement will forever be embedded here as the decree of the Catboy.*


'Here comes the boy ♥' redeem music courtesy of Kevin MacLeod Donations: All donations are NON REFUNDABLE, there is no obligation to donate but is always appreciated.