Баннер профиля для itz_me_jordzz

144 фолловера


Hi! I'm Jordz / Jordii / Jordan / Jor - whichever you choose! I'm a 22 year old female new-ish to streaming!

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HI!! If you've taken a gander and taken the time to read this then erm, HIII!! I am Jordan, Jordzz, Jordii, Jord or the one weirdo over there! I'm a 20 year old who has just recently gotten into streaming! I find myself loving it more everytime i stream! I am currently a Software Engineer who loves to code and create! So if I'm not found at my computer you'll find me reading a book (currently reading Harry Potter again), out for a walk or on the local cricket pitch! I will eventually have a capture card and I would love to be able to stream Minecraft, Lego Harry Potter, Life Is Strange and Among Us (this is flexible these are just the games im enjoying at the moment!)
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Thank you so much to TheJumpingKlimplant for my overlays and backgrounds! To check him out please click the banner above!
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Click the banner above to donate! Donations are always gratefully accepted but in no way necassary! Thank you for supporting my channel!
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You can find me here on these socials! Twitter: @JordanTheCoder Instagram: @thatgirlcalledjordan TikTok: @its_me_jordzz
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!code !discord !pogo !shinydex !switch !lurk !unlurk
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I NOW HAVE A YOUTUBE! Please check it out!
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If you wish to send me something from my amazon wishlist - here it is! :D