ixxstiickzi 的个人资料横幅

96 位关注者


I'm a guy from that great state of Texas just tryna have fun. I play just about any and every type of game that I can. I enjoy em all and don't discriminate when it comes to gaming lmao. .

Hey guys! I'm just a gamer that likes to stream. Let's see, I was born and raised in Texas and still live here to this day. I play all types of games but I'm almost always on Halo Wars, Gears of War, Minecraft or Battlefield. Like I said I play almost all types of games so I'm down to play just about anything. I hope you guys have fun in my channel. See ya around!
**How Old Are You?** I'm 32 but you would never be able to tell. **Do You play with viewers?** Oh Yea I do! I'll play with just about anybody. All you gotta do is ask!! **What Games do you stream?** Everything I own! If I'm on my XBOX I'm probably Streaming!!!! I just started PC gaming also. I own a few games so far like WoW, LoL, Siege and Heroes of The Storm. I plan on getting PUBG soon and SC2. **Who is that loud little girl in the background?** She is the love of my life! My daughter! She is 3 and she talks ALOT!!!! You will see if you you stay in the stream long enough! LMAO!!!!
Donations go to Give Aways and buying new games to play for you guys! My channel is for you to come and have fun at!!! Thank you guys for all your generous support!!!
Just about anything goes! You guys can talk and play around in chat but I do ask that you guys keep it respectful. If you are watching me I cuss a lot but just keep it some kinda friendly in the chat. If we are in a party on live say what you want when you want!
I'm almost always online. I stream almost everyday, more toward the afternoon since I do work. My days off are just about every Sunday and Monday so those 2 days if the wife and child don't have anything planed I'll be on all day. I will be setting up an actual schedule soon so that is in the work at the moment. As soon as I figure it out I will update you guys!!