Záhlaví kanálu j_fsp

6,2 tis. sledujících


Hey, welcome to my channel. I'm Jeremiah & I'm an all rounded developer. I've worked on 23 games/apps so far & go to Game Jams. I went to college again right after high school & studied game development & related stuff within 6 months. I play a variety of multiplayer games to involve everyone.

Obsah panelu
Obsah panelu
Name: Jeremiah What do I stream?: Anything, as long as I own it or have space. I ain't rich😅. What games do I play?: Any... I'll even test your games if you have any that you've made. What do I do?: Develop but preferably games and I do anything related. Oh, and stream. How many games/apps have I worked on?: I've worked on a total of 23 so far. What can I do?: Many things, just ask. Do I like helping others?: Yes, even if I'm not suited, I try to make it work. It can be whatever. Homework, studying, tests, work, personal stuff... Anything. Do I teach?: Yes, even if I don't know a subject I will go study it real quick and then teach. Am I for hire?: Yes, I do commissions and at a low cost! Questions?: You can ask me whatever you want. Click banner for extra stuff about me.
Obsah panelu
Can't wait to hangout with me? Order me on E-Pal to reserve time with me & I'll see you soon! When signing up use this code: INF00007
Obsah panelu
Your donations are greatly appreciated and help support me pay for bills... mainly electric for me to entertain you all. Also other commodities like food, equipment, and entrances to events like game jams, contests and other events.
Obsah panelu
Buy games at a price determined by you. A portion of the price goes towards charity and the rest split between the game developers.