119 follower


Jaathen esegue lo streaming di FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE e Destiny 2.

Contenuto riquadro
Hey, I'm Trent, otherwise know in-game as Jaathen or Red. I'm 26, and live in Melbourne, Australia. I play quite a few games, but mostly you will catch me playing PUBG, WoW, League of Legends, and Destiny 2 most of the time, but you can expect me to play a variety of games :) Let me know if you want me to play anything in particular.
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Donations are not required but are appreciated :) Donations will be used to support the stream. TOP DONORS: Dardmore: $30 XVangamz: $25
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I don't use twitter much, but some times I do. So chuck me a follow on there. Will prob's mostly be cat pics tbh.
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I don't have a schedule set just yet, but I'm hoping to make this quite regular so here's the best I can do for you :) Monday & Tuesday: 8:00am-3pm Wednesday: 7:30pm-11pm (WoW Raid) Thursday Friday: 8:00am-3pm Sunday: 7:30pm-11pm (WoW Raid) Wednesday and Sundays are confirmed days and the other days are just roughly when I am free to stream :) I will try and make this more consistent soon!
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Click the tab to join my discord to have a chat to me and my little group :D
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Here are some commands you can have fun with! !adventure !songrequest !8ball !roulette !gamble Here are some other commands! !lurk !unlurk !currentsong !discord !social Play me some sounds for 25 points each! !audiohook play [soundname] -budumtiss -crickets -drumroll -nobodycares -sweetcrap -whaawhaa -wilhelmscream -yesyes
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-Be kind -Be respectful -No bullying others -No racism/homophobic remarks -**Don't be a dick** - Be chill
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OS: Windows 10 CPU: Intel i7 7700K 4.2 GHz (OC to 4.8GHz) RAM: Corsair Vengeance Black 16GB GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB SSD: Samsung EVO 850 500GB MoBo: Gigabyte Z170XP-SLI-CF (U3E1)