Záhlaví kanálu jacklyttle

1,6 tis. sledujících


I am a real boy, and play Elite: Dangerous, along with some other games, three times a week, one-handed. Also, there is juice, mystery voice, explained jokes, Squid Game spoilers and more.

Obsah panelu
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There are many ways to choose how to support Jack. Firstly, just spreading the word does a power of good! Discovery on Twitch is difficult. Following us, friending us, suggesting the channel for raids, all of these things will help. You can also check out our Twitter and Discord accounts. If you want to take things to the next level, though, you can donate bits during the stream, and when you subscribe to the channel, you get access to our much-sought-after emotes. You can also donate by PayPaling lyttlemassive@gmail.com or through [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/jacklyttle). We also now have a wish list at [Throne](https://throne.com/jacklyttle/wishlist). Don't get him the laptop. It's far too much. Any business enquiries can be sent to lyttlemassive@gmail.com. We also do hard-surface blender commissions for streamers, starting at £200, though commissions are currently closed.
Obsah panelu
You can use the following sounds in chat !badidea !barry !cough !cube !cute !dummy !eeee !emergency !f !fail !fingerbowls !goodidea !goodwork !inorite !laugh !lol !morecowbell !music !newstar !nope !oops !pardon !rip !teacups !valid !wegotone !whine
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**!amazon** amazon link **!confetti** branded confetti cannon! **!discord** discord invite **!house** assigns you to a chat house, or tells you your current housepoint score **!late** random "late to the stream" text **!lurk** random lurk text **!twitter** twitter link **!s [user]** shoutout **!sfx** lists sound effects **!shipname** posts random ship name in chat **!smell[1-8]** triggers on-screen smell-o-vision graphics **!toss** let Rob decide **!whatsinthebox** **!yes / !no** express a yes or show a no **!wheels** - counter for Jack forgetting his landing gear **!honk** - counter for Jack forgetting to discovery scan a system **!therewego** - counter for Jack saying "There we go". **!swear** - counter for Jack using a naughty word. **!docking** - counter for Jack forgetting to get docking permission.

Chat Houses

We've introduced chat houses! Typing !house in chat during a stream will allocate you to one of four houses, (Baker, Aston, Nolan or Gubby). Then you can win points by being excellent! Each season runs for three months, and at the end, we will announce which house has won, and which participant has won the most points. If they're willing to part with their address, we'll even send them a secret physical prize! Typing !house if you're already in a house will let you know how many points you've scored. Each house also has its own channel in the discord server. We retain your username and point activity for the purposes of running the system.
Obsah panelu
Jack Lyttle was made the man he is today by Steve Kirby. Special Thanks to Edward Lewis and the 38. Moderators: MCurtains, Orange Spark, Griefed. The [Emergency Questions](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0751574392/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=0751574392&linkCode=as2&tag=jacklyttle-21&linkId=c489e821c54eab55e459be4fc79cc0c8") we use in chat when there's a !lull are from Richard Herring, and available to purchase from Amazon.