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♡ Heyo, I’m Jade (She/They) I stream wherever the serotonin is. Welcome to The Void, endless and inclusive. ♡ business inquiries :

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♡ Call me Jade, Valkyrie, or Valk ♡ She/They, Bi/Demigirl ♡ 25 Years Old ♡ AuADHD ♡ Los Angeles, CA ♡ I have three cats! Nyx, Nemo, and Cheezit.
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Subscribing is a great way to support my channel consistently. Here are the benefits that all subscribers receive: - Custom emotes you can use in any Twitch channel - Subscriber badge - Special Discord Perks - You can post links in chat
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Tips will never be expected, but will always be appreciated. Your company is the best gift I could ask for. First, please consider these free ways to support the channel, such as:       💛 Following       💛 Lurking       💛 Chatting       💛 Sharing Social Posts! All tips are non-refundable <3
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I stream typically Tuesdays and Thursdays with updates on my Twitter! A more specific schedule is coming soon. You can catch me Mondays on [Feywild and Out]( for TTRPG streams.
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I use *Super Sweet Bot* for my coworking streams! ♡ **!sweet** - how task bot works ♡ **!task** [insert task] - add a task ♡ **!done** - mark task as done ♡ **!sweetpomo** - how the timer works ♡ **!pomo 20 Wash dishes** - simple timer ♡ **!pomo 20/5/3 Study** - full pomodoro timer
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