Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho jaisonvas

255 người theo dõi


Lots of video games and lots of food talk!

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
+ No self advertising. + Don't use any offensive language. + Do not discuss politics or religion in the chat. - Don't ask to be a mod. - Please only speak english in the chat. * Keep spamming to a minimum. * No backseat gaming unless I ask for it. My general rule that I have anyways is just have common sense. Don't be an asshole, don't do things in my stream that you won't let someone else do in yours. If my mods time you out or ban you then it's for a reason. Just have fun!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hello! My name is Jaison! Nice to meet you! ###FAQ!!! >What is your favorite TV show? + Game of Thrones + Stranger Things + Euphoria >Favorite childhood game? + the Halo series + Sonic The Hedgehog > What's my favorite anime? + Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood + My Hero Academia + Jojo > How old are you? + 24 years old >My favorite kind of food? + Pizza + Burritos