Profile banner for jakewrlght



Ambassador of the Russian Domination Plan for OoT in 2021

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Hello! You can call me Jake :) I'm a 21 years old, semi-retired Chess IM from Russia (working as a coach nowadays), who decided to give speedrunning a shot! I'm mainly speedrunning Ocarina of Time for now, but i have plans for other categories/games in the future. I want to keep my identity sort of private, but i'll be glad to talk about chess or anything in general while streaming!
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# Ocarina of Time + **AD no SRM**: 1:21:33 (3rd PB) + **GSR**: 1:21:05 (9th PB) + **MST**: 2:29:33 (2nd PB) + **Glitchless**: 3:51:52 (3nd PB) + **Bingo**: 1:06:31 (8th PB) + **Nocturne RTA**: 51:10 (4th PB) + **All Medallions**: 57:52 (2nd PB) # Twilight Princess + **Any%**: 3:13:07 (4th PB) # Super Mario 64 + **16 Star (VC)**: 18:42 (3rd PB) + **70 Star (VC)**: 59:32 (5th PB) + **120 Star (N64)**: 1:58:21 (12th PB) # Pokémon Red/Blue + **Any% NSC**: 12:22.5 (3rd PB) # [Speedrun profile](
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It's hard for me to keep a consistent schedule, since i work on demand and never at the same hour. However, i should stream every night around midnight, and some days during the evening. All times are UTC+3.
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# What do you use to play? I play on the Wii Virtual Console (VC) with a Gamecube Controller and an ESS adapter by ElectroModder. # When did you start doing speedruns? I did my first OoT GSR speedrun on June 20th 2020 after spending 4 intense days learning the run XD. # Why no cam or mic? I can't use mic or cam right now since i literally share a room with 2 more people, and there is people talking and passing by all the time. Not only it would be distracting, but they don't want to appear on stream either :( # Can you teach me some chess? I would prefer not to, i want to split the speedrun and chess stuff for now. I could give you some quick tips if you ask in chat tho!
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I would like to purchase an HD capture card to make the game look so much better, for you to have a more enjoyable experience while watching the stream! Any help is really appreciated :D [Donate here](