Profile banner for janahealer



i like drawing and i play games casually... let's be frens, kekeke

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**name:** jana **age:** guess! **location:** vancouver, bc **janahealer from LoL/WoW?** nope! i used to play a lot of MMORPG and i would usually play a character that heals.. so i added 'healer' after my name, hence "JanaHealer"! *fun fact: would you believe me when i say that i was janahealer before "Janna" from LoL even came out?! its true! hehe* **why are you on twitch?** to chill and make new friends!

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all i ask is for the following! **i.** be respectful to everyone **ii.** be kind **iii.** enjoy your stay!

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i appreciate you even looking down here :" ) <3 (i will use your donation towards a refurbished MacBook air! in hopes to produce more content digitally!)

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Starting on **December 29, 2021**, I am hosting and streaming **"DUWO Q"** where I feature streamers by duo queue'ing in Valorant every Wednesday whilst I ask them questions about themselves and Valorant! Essentially a program of "getting to know the streamer"! With this, I hope to be more consistent with my streams! Two streamers will be featured back to back (with 10 minutes break)! 1 streamer, 1 unrated, 13 questions! Look forward to our first episode on **December 29, 2021 at 6:30PM PST**! ------ **UPDATE APRIL 7, 2022:** Duwo Q is currently on a break until unknown due to the heavy load of work I'm trying to do for work and school!

**affiliated:** august 24, 2021 (i will never forget this day, thank you everyone <3 T ^T)
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*late summer of 2021, this stuffed toy arrived on ray's doorsteps.. i wanted to gift ray something he'll remember me by and forget the distance we had* *ray named him gil and gil's become a symbol of our friendship and love* you can find gil here:
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