Profile banner for jane_ds



If you like Charmander, Brendan Fraser, Star Trek, hockey, football, reading, bears or none of these things we might turn out to be great friends.

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Join me at Dreamhack Dallas 2024 this year. **Use code JANEDS for 15% off your ticket purchase.**
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**CHAT RULES** > + I like to have fun. I'm a troll sometimes. I don't mind fun banter and teasing. > + Zero tolerance for disrespect. That means anything genuinely disrespectful or hurtful towards me or anyone else. (Sorry Doc)
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Your tips help me buy things like ingredients for cooking streams and games I think you'll enjoy me playing. Your generosity humbles the snot out of me. Send tip without alert [**here**]( if you'd rather. **BIT / TIP VARIATIONS** > 69 bits - Nice > $1/100 bits - A dolla? > $1.50/150 bits - Ruin the moment > $5/500 bits - Jane opens trading card pack > $6.66/666 bits - Scream jump scare > $13/1300 bits - Screech jump scare > $50/5000 or higher - Kame Ha Me Ha! **OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT** [**THRONE WISH LIST**]( - Buy me something rad (an alert will go off 🎉). [**TREAT STREAM**]( - If it's within hours, you can buy me a treat or an entire meal (an alert will go off 🎉). [**HUMBLE BUNDLE**]( - Support me and a charity at the same time while getting a bunch of cool games? Sounds tripley awesome. [**AMAZON**]( - Already an Amazon user? Feel free to purchase things through my link to support the stream.
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Let my bot work for you (it's free so why not) Here's some generated answers it can give you when you don't feel like coming up with answers/reasons/etc. > **!hi** - Announce your arrival > **!bye** - Announce your departure > **!lurk** - Lurk with some tasty donuts > **!bingocard** - Generate a Bingo card and try to get 5 in a row of Jane's randomness > **!catfacts** - Random cat fact > **!ds** - Tell people with the "DS" in Jane's screenname stands for > **!pokeme** - Find out which Pokemon you are for the day > **!question** - Ask chat a very important generated question > **!quote** - Remember the past with a quote from Jane (or ask !quote bot, what is jane thinking about right now?) > **!roulette** - Let the fates decide if you get a 1 min timeout if you'd like Check out all the other bot commands **[here](**.
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**CPU:** Intel BP80502133 Pentium 133MHz **RAM:** 8MB RAM **Keyboard:** IBM Model M 1391401 **Mouse:** Microsoft X03-54956 **Monitor:** Gateway DIAMONDTRON VX920
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Want to send a letter? Some Fruit Gushers (please)? A box of Bean-Boozled beans (please don't)? Here's where they go.