Банер на профила за jankos

1,3 млн. последователи


Boomer, one of the oldest LoL pro players (Still thinks he is good at Lee sin)

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#Donate [PSC](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/jankos) ###From 2$ donations are visible on stream
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**Moobot commands:** !YT !fb !music !uptime !donate !instagram !west !discord !ad
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**Gear** - Mouse : [Logitech G703 Hero](http://bit.ly/3vVahls ) - Keyboard : [Logitech PRO G Keyboard](http://bit.ly/31bbJ4Y ) - Mousepad : [Logitech C640](http://bit.ly/3tNjI4p) - Headphones : [Logitech Pro X Lightspeed](https://bit.ly/3vTwC2r) **PC Spec** - IC I7-8700K 3.7GHz - 16GB Ram - NVIDIA Geforce 2070 **Which city do you come from?** - Poznań **Where are you currently?** - GH in Berlin for the LEC or my house in Poznań **How can I contact you ?** - Instagram/Twitter or Facebook. I try to answer questions on all three. **Since when do you play League?** - Since first season. **The best meta jungle champions on current patch?** -Jarvan/Amumu/Zed/Hecarim/Lee/Kindred/Eve/Elise/Karthus/Nidalee/Kha'zix/Rek'Sai/Zac/Kayn/Graves/Olaf/Nunu/Diana/Gragas/Xin/Viego/Sejuani/Brand/Zyra/Briar (Patch 13.21) **Which accounts you play on ?** [Jankoss](http://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=jankoss) [G2 Martin 6](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=g2+martin+6) [Polish Wonderb0y](http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Polish+Wonderb0y) [llIlllllIIllllll](http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=llIlllllIIllllll)