Profiilibanneri – jeehut

269 seuraajaa


📱Indie iOS Developer, 🎬Content Creator for 👨🏻‍💻Developers. Apps: @RemafoX_App, @Twoot_it. More in the works.

SwiftUI App Development

Paneelin sisältö
Welcome to my Live Streaming channel! I'm **Cihat**, an **Indie iOS Developer** (since 2022) with >10 years of experience. **Look over my shoulder** while I'm coding on Open Source projects or fun hobby apps and **ask me anything** about Swift or iOS development. ## Technologies I work with: * **[Xcode](** (IDE) * **[Swift](** (Programming Language) * **[SwiftUI](** (UI Framework) * **[Vapor](** (Server-side framework) **Follow me also on:** [Twitter]( | [Mastodon]( | [YouTube]( | [Medium]( | [GitHub]( | [Newsletter]( ## You can support me in various ways: * **Tip** me on [PayPal]( * Become a **sponsor** on [GitHub]( * Become a **patron** on [Patreon]( or [Liberapay](

German / Turkish / Japanese

Paneelin sisältö
While the stream contents are in English, you can also **ask questions in German, Turkish or Japanese**. I will try to translate your question and **answer both in English and the asked language**. ## 🇩🇪 Deutsch Deutsch ist meine **Erstsprache**. Fragen können also gerne auch auf Deutsch gestellt werden. Ich versuche sie dann zu übersetzen und auf Englisch und Deutsch zu beantworten. ## 🇹🇷 Türkçe Türkçe benim **ana dilimdir** (pek fazla konuşmasamda). Sorular Türkçe olarak da sorulabilir. Onları tercüme etmeye ve İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak cevaplamaya çalışıyorum. ## 🇯🇵 日本語 現在、日本語を**勉強しています**。 そのため、将来的にはチャットで日本語で質問できるようになります。 現時点ではまだ初心者なので、「こんにちは」のような簡単な文章しか理解できません。

Checkout My Apps

I released 2 apps so far: [RemafoX: Easy App Localization]( helps you translate your apps in Xcode and integrates with 4 different machine-translation services to make the process as easy and automated as possible. [Twoot it! – Schedule Posts]( allows you to cross-post to Twitter & Mastodon. It also comes with a feature to schedule posts so you can plan your posts up-front and send them at a later time with ease.